Trump will try to break every international law and what he doesn’t break he will bend to the extreme. The republicans have co opted the Kremlin’s agenda, full stop. Rome is burning, so what can Trump say tonight that would make any kind of sense? It’s not worth my listen or my time, I’ll get what I need to know right here and in Substack.
When you refer to Trump, Mike, it sounds as if you see an individual.
No, it's a disease.
At the core of the man is such madness as never to be any core at all. Part of it is the "bing-bing-boing-bong" showman. Part is the empty husk that never got any family love as a child and has no idea what personal love might be. Thus the continuous lies, and anger.
It's this last which informs this enormously vile and damaged package the most. Criminality and fraud have fused all his actions for decades -- though with a showman's skill in constantly repackaging.
But in speaking of these things, we cannot leave out the sell-out of U.S. elites who have all gone through the machinery of dehumanized schools also for decades. Where there exists nothing of value which cannot be numbered, commodified, easily measured by the rubrics of standardized testing.
There's been a massive vulgarity grown for which ghouls like the orange felon, Vance, and Musk all front. Dead souls as Gogol would say, did say.
"When you refer to Trump, Mike, it sounds as if you see an individual.
No, it's a disease.
At the core of the man is such madness as never to be any core at all."
Yes, Phil, you are more right than you probably think. An absence of a core sense of self, a defined human individuality, indicates possession by other beings which enter to fill the vacant space, then do their venomous work.
In understanding this, we cross the threshold between secular political analysis and knowledge of the workings of active occult, black magic forces intent on destroying our human evolutionary project.
Trump is possessed by forces from his lower self, the animal self which is negative when it dominates a human being. Jung called it the Id, the human's unconscious instinctual forces. Trump is, effectively, an underdeveloped baby-child with inadequate self-control and no means of self-reflection. He exhibits a developmental age range of a child ranging from about 7 to around 14 years old. Just look at his baby hands, which tell us everything: all lower palm and immature tiny fingers.
But it must be understood that Trump himself is just a puppet, an instrument in the hands of egotistical spiritual initiates who have knowingly dedicated themselves to the black arts of acquisition of power and control, and the unlimited wealth that comes with it. There are those incarnated in the US today who follow these paths. They pull the strings.
Then put Musk et al into the picture with Trump, and you have the full puppet show. Think of Musk jumping up and down on stage with Trump like an excited four-year-old who has just been given a big bright shiny new toy. Think of the uncontrolled arm gestures shooting into pre-programmed Nazi salutes. This is not the behaviour of knowing conscious adults in control of themselves.
It is those who pull the strings who are inciting these silly-babies to their antisocial behaviour. But of course, it's those silly-babies onstage who are actually effecting the horrors in our world right now.
Hitler was a puppet of black forces just like these nasty-babies of today, and just look at the harm he did, by acting as a promulgator and accelerator, a publicist of their designs.
So it is vital to understand that the deepest adversarial forces behind the scenes today are indeed aiming to destroy humans' sense of self—our soul, our divinely-gifted individuality.
Thank you for your perspective on "those who pull the strings."
Thank you for good, decent conclusion, your last words on "our divinely-gifted individuality."
I do a lot of reading in people concerned with ridding ourselves of the many varieties of stereotypes that block our abilities to see these divine gifts. One such good book is an English woman, Lyndsey Stonebridge and her "We are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt's Lessons in Love and Disobedience."
Another is an American woman from Kansas (she still lives there) Sarah Smarsh and her "Bone of the Bone." Superb essays on many good individuals breaking through nonsense about red states, or rural Americans.
If anything comes out of this crisis we inhabit, may it be much better schools, centered on their teachers, and they centered on people, and so many of our many fine novels, memoirs, essays, biographies, and histories.
How to thank you, Professor Snyder, for these videos, beginning with last Friday's where
your emphasis on hospitality, in its broadest and deepest sense as an core humanitarian value that undergirds effective diplomacy and international relations, was breathtaking.
I'm forwarding these videos to one of my senators, Chris Murphy, and calling House and Senate leaders asking that they take the time to listen to you.
Chris Murphy voted for Marco Rubio as secretary of state and now he's admitting that he regrets his decision. Watching the Democratic members of Congress wearing pink and/or holding up lollipop signs about Medicaid at last night's presidential speech to Congress shows just how inadequately prepared they are to stand up to this vicious administration.
President Zelenskyy is one person who has no need to listen to this, as it neatly summarises everything that he was trying to get across to Trump and Vance last Friday. Speaking in his third language. If he ever can bring himself to return to that den of thieves, I hope he will take some huge intimidating interpreter with him, preferably with a military background. In combat uniform.
I detect unusual signs of wrath in Professor Snyder in this talk. The ripping noise at the end was very satisfying. "For this relief, much thanks. 'Tis bitter cold, and I am sick at heart." (Hamlet)
I did not sense any wrath on the part of Professor Snyder in this video. I thought last Friday's video, which I listened to before I actually knew what happened at the White House, showed his eloquent calm. I try to remind myself to stay calm, although after I watched the 7-minute video on Chris Hayes, I nearly went ballistic. Then, there was Prof. Snyder again as guest, and once again, I appreciated his calm demeanor.
I will not waste my time listening to any gobbledygook the felon masquerading as president spews forth. I will be at a peaceful demonstration in Surprise, AZ with friends and others who signed up. It's a nationwide demonstration and I encourage everyone to find the demonstration in their area. You can register for Light for Our Democracy. It may be hosted by the League of Women Voters. While we can still protest without being shot, I'm going to participate in as much as I can. If you go, bring a light with you from your phone or flashlight.
Thank you, Mike. We were expecting about 70 people, we had about 150 very enthusiastic people showing up with placards. I don't live in Az full time, I'm a "snowbird" but I joined the League of Women Voters here and I've gone to a few meetings. I have a friend who is very active, a real, "shaker and mover" and truly an inspiration to me and others. I think it was the LWV who organized this group, I recognized several people from our meetings. We all have to do what we can, while we can. I'm always inspired by Prof. Snyder.
It's perfectly okay for the Professor to remain calm in these circumstances, but it's certainly not okay for Democratic members of Congress to do so. They should be shouting from the rooftops, like Senator Al Green. Trump's speech last night was a marathon of lies and false accusations against the Biden regime (and the longest-ever speech to Congress). The NYT's fact check this morning was both exhaustive and frankly exhausting. There are hundreds of elections this year, mainly at state and local level (even elections of state attorneys are important now as we've seen in North Carolina). Democrats need to mobilise now and start winning these elections to show Republicans the risks they face at the mid-terms. They need to stand firm in the budget negotiations in the coming weeks and shut down the government to stop this campaign of lawlessness.
How horrifying. Thank you for sharing this. I am so confused why Congress is not more vocal about this. I feel very helpless at this moment as I watch the country go into the downward spiral. Trudeau's address today was so sad - like a farewell to the US as it has been known.
Trump is too intellectually lazy and enept to even work within this framework. He's bombastic and relies on volume, force, pathetic appeals of threat, fear, battery in place of logic/reason. I'm not convinced anyone involved on his side is capable of negotiating. Rubio could, but he and others just mimick Trump's practice, repeating claims with force in kind. Thus far, they offer no substantive thought. Wonderful heuristic. Grateful.
Bravo! Two minutes - you did it! I worked on Madison Avenue so I'm used strict time limits, but in academia this far rarer, all the more credit to you! The content here is critical for Americans to be able to evaluate what our president is presenting to us. Let me post this on BlueSky so it gets more attention.
We are in Tyrannical bind whereby money is the God and egotistical Bullys get access to it through their lifetime of bullying from building contractors in New York right down ordinary workers.
My Father always taught me that Americans saved the World from the tyranny of Hitler now it is fully reversed whereby America is the Tyrant through the agency of Military power being led by a Tyrant
The UN vote, his 4 hour secret meeting with Putin in the first term, the recent Saudi Arabia meetings between USA and Russian and their exclusion of Zelensky in the peace talks and the T/V character assassination point only one way: Trump and Putin are in this together.
Trump invades Greenland to attack NATO from the west while Putin roles over Europe from the east.
Meanwhile Trump sets Canada up to take major steps to retaliate against his 25% economy breaking tariffs which Trump uses to invade Canada from the south and Putincomes over the Northern Pole. They both want access to the North West Passage to ease the plunder of the Artic. And Trump wants the rest of the land for water and its minerals.
If anything goes wrong with the plan, they haul out the nukes.
Nothing here that he has not threatened or insinuated.
American and Canadian people do not want a war. But the lessons of war tell us that does not matter much.
He has to be impeached along with Vance. Lets get to work.
There isn't a SINGLE reason to trust Trump on anything since he is a chronic liar.
There isn't a SINGLE reason to trust Putin because Russia made promises to Ukraine in The Budapest Memorandum, where Ukraine gave up its nuclear armaments for peace. Look where that got them! Putin will stop at nothing to have ALL of Ukraine. Yes, he might give an inch now and next year he will be back. I don't think Zelenskyy should give away mineral rights to these insatiably greedy people, but he will do his best for his worn-torn country, his exhausted soldiers, and for the war to stop. He shouldn't negotiate without getting all those children back that were kidnapped to Russia.
Thank you, Tim, for another clear and concise analysis. I hope Elissa Slotkin's response tonight speaks to Ukraine's right to sovereignty and US responsibility to support Ukraine in clear and emphatic tones.
Professor Snyder, thank you for the quality of this content and analysis. After Friday's debacle in the Oval Office, I have actually started wheat-pasting excepts from On Tyranny around the streets of downtown D.C., which include a QR Code to the full text at
Since your previous post on the 'People's Cabinet', I'm curious what we can do to gain more traction here. In light of how shocking recent events have been, it seems like there is no organized opposition. How do we change that?
On a bright note, I did purchase and raise a Ukrainian flag outside my home in Washington, D.C. on Friday; by Monday morning there was a postcard in my mailbox from President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S. actually thanking me for displaying the Ukrainian flag at my home. This gives me hope for how strategic and organized the current diplomatic efforts must be.
I beseech you to continue to write your newsletter and to list actions each and every day that can be helpful to turning Republicans that originally (and still in their souls?) support Ukraine to pressure Congress to follow the Constitution which states clearly that only Congress holds the power for funding and that the allocated aid must be released.
(Just as funds needed to be released when Trump attempted a quid pro quo with Zelensky in his first term (ie Biden investigation.
An action a day from you that will make a difference-- this is what I would like in your newsletter
and why I was a founding subscriber.
While you on your promo book tour, I will donate for you to appear on Fox News and Josh Rogan and other right leaning media to engage in your calm brilliant conversations -- in simple language.
You must sing to the discordant 46% of the Americans who voted for Trump.
Lead us in action points to combat tyranny. This is what is needed most each and every day.
Trump will try to break every international law and what he doesn’t break he will bend to the extreme. The republicans have co opted the Kremlin’s agenda, full stop. Rome is burning, so what can Trump say tonight that would make any kind of sense? It’s not worth my listen or my time, I’ll get what I need to know right here and in Substack.
Well put; I agree.
When you refer to Trump, Mike, it sounds as if you see an individual.
No, it's a disease.
At the core of the man is such madness as never to be any core at all. Part of it is the "bing-bing-boing-bong" showman. Part is the empty husk that never got any family love as a child and has no idea what personal love might be. Thus the continuous lies, and anger.
It's this last which informs this enormously vile and damaged package the most. Criminality and fraud have fused all his actions for decades -- though with a showman's skill in constantly repackaging.
But in speaking of these things, we cannot leave out the sell-out of U.S. elites who have all gone through the machinery of dehumanized schools also for decades. Where there exists nothing of value which cannot be numbered, commodified, easily measured by the rubrics of standardized testing.
There's been a massive vulgarity grown for which ghouls like the orange felon, Vance, and Musk all front. Dead souls as Gogol would say, did say.
Phil Balla
Phil Balla
"When you refer to Trump, Mike, it sounds as if you see an individual.
No, it's a disease.
At the core of the man is such madness as never to be any core at all."
Yes, Phil, you are more right than you probably think. An absence of a core sense of self, a defined human individuality, indicates possession by other beings which enter to fill the vacant space, then do their venomous work.
In understanding this, we cross the threshold between secular political analysis and knowledge of the workings of active occult, black magic forces intent on destroying our human evolutionary project.
Trump is possessed by forces from his lower self, the animal self which is negative when it dominates a human being. Jung called it the Id, the human's unconscious instinctual forces. Trump is, effectively, an underdeveloped baby-child with inadequate self-control and no means of self-reflection. He exhibits a developmental age range of a child ranging from about 7 to around 14 years old. Just look at his baby hands, which tell us everything: all lower palm and immature tiny fingers.
But it must be understood that Trump himself is just a puppet, an instrument in the hands of egotistical spiritual initiates who have knowingly dedicated themselves to the black arts of acquisition of power and control, and the unlimited wealth that comes with it. There are those incarnated in the US today who follow these paths. They pull the strings.
Then put Musk et al into the picture with Trump, and you have the full puppet show. Think of Musk jumping up and down on stage with Trump like an excited four-year-old who has just been given a big bright shiny new toy. Think of the uncontrolled arm gestures shooting into pre-programmed Nazi salutes. This is not the behaviour of knowing conscious adults in control of themselves.
It is those who pull the strings who are inciting these silly-babies to their antisocial behaviour. But of course, it's those silly-babies onstage who are actually effecting the horrors in our world right now.
Hitler was a puppet of black forces just like these nasty-babies of today, and just look at the harm he did, by acting as a promulgator and accelerator, a publicist of their designs.
So it is vital to understand that the deepest adversarial forces behind the scenes today are indeed aiming to destroy humans' sense of self—our soul, our divinely-gifted individuality.
Thank you, Penelope.
Thank you for your perspective on "those who pull the strings."
Thank you for good, decent conclusion, your last words on "our divinely-gifted individuality."
I do a lot of reading in people concerned with ridding ourselves of the many varieties of stereotypes that block our abilities to see these divine gifts. One such good book is an English woman, Lyndsey Stonebridge and her "We are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt's Lessons in Love and Disobedience."
Another is an American woman from Kansas (she still lives there) Sarah Smarsh and her "Bone of the Bone." Superb essays on many good individuals breaking through nonsense about red states, or rural Americans.
If anything comes out of this crisis we inhabit, may it be much better schools, centered on their teachers, and they centered on people, and so many of our many fine novels, memoirs, essays, biographies, and histories.
I'll always think of him as a vile and damaged package in future! A strange sense of relief. Many thanks.
Watch this very important video.
It may be our very last BIG shot.
Thank you, Marlo.
Elon Musk and his boy incels might have been very, very busy in early November.
How to thank you, Professor Snyder, for these videos, beginning with last Friday's where
your emphasis on hospitality, in its broadest and deepest sense as an core humanitarian value that undergirds effective diplomacy and international relations, was breathtaking.
I'm forwarding these videos to one of my senators, Chris Murphy, and calling House and Senate leaders asking that they take the time to listen to you.
Great idea!
Chris Murphy voted for Marco Rubio as secretary of state and now he's admitting that he regrets his decision. Watching the Democratic members of Congress wearing pink and/or holding up lollipop signs about Medicaid at last night's presidential speech to Congress shows just how inadequately prepared they are to stand up to this vicious administration.
Unfortunately true.
I fully expect Trump to flunk all five, but thank you for this very clear summary.
He has already!
President Zelenskyy is one person who has no need to listen to this, as it neatly summarises everything that he was trying to get across to Trump and Vance last Friday. Speaking in his third language. If he ever can bring himself to return to that den of thieves, I hope he will take some huge intimidating interpreter with him, preferably with a military background. In combat uniform.
I detect unusual signs of wrath in Professor Snyder in this talk. The ripping noise at the end was very satisfying. "For this relief, much thanks. 'Tis bitter cold, and I am sick at heart." (Hamlet)
I did not sense any wrath on the part of Professor Snyder in this video. I thought last Friday's video, which I listened to before I actually knew what happened at the White House, showed his eloquent calm. I try to remind myself to stay calm, although after I watched the 7-minute video on Chris Hayes, I nearly went ballistic. Then, there was Prof. Snyder again as guest, and once again, I appreciated his calm demeanor.
I will not waste my time listening to any gobbledygook the felon masquerading as president spews forth. I will be at a peaceful demonstration in Surprise, AZ with friends and others who signed up. It's a nationwide demonstration and I encourage everyone to find the demonstration in their area. You can register for Light for Our Democracy. It may be hosted by the League of Women Voters. While we can still protest without being shot, I'm going to participate in as much as I can. If you go, bring a light with you from your phone or flashlight.
You are an inspiration!
Thank you, Mike. We were expecting about 70 people, we had about 150 very enthusiastic people showing up with placards. I don't live in Az full time, I'm a "snowbird" but I joined the League of Women Voters here and I've gone to a few meetings. I have a friend who is very active, a real, "shaker and mover" and truly an inspiration to me and others. I think it was the LWV who organized this group, I recognized several people from our meetings. We all have to do what we can, while we can. I'm always inspired by Prof. Snyder.
It's perfectly okay for the Professor to remain calm in these circumstances, but it's certainly not okay for Democratic members of Congress to do so. They should be shouting from the rooftops, like Senator Al Green. Trump's speech last night was a marathon of lies and false accusations against the Biden regime (and the longest-ever speech to Congress). The NYT's fact check this morning was both exhaustive and frankly exhausting. There are hundreds of elections this year, mainly at state and local level (even elections of state attorneys are important now as we've seen in North Carolina). Democrats need to mobilise now and start winning these elections to show Republicans the risks they face at the mid-terms. They need to stand firm in the budget negotiations in the coming weeks and shut down the government to stop this campaign of lawlessness.
Would that trump might depart to" the undiscovered country, from whose bourn..."
True varlet to putinstan; methinks.
"Villain, villain - smiling, damnèd villain" .....
One may smile and smile, and still be a villain
That ripping sound was the Constitution being torn up
Am I crazy or does it seem like Trump is a Russian asset (whether he knows it or not) and is doing Putin's bidding in destroying the US?
Not crazy AT ALL. This was even put forward by a Conservative member of the UK parliament today.
No, not crazy. Realistic.
No you’re not crazy. This Craig Unger interview explains it all in great detail.
How horrifying. Thank you for sharing this. I am so confused why Congress is not more vocal about this. I feel very helpless at this moment as I watch the country go into the downward spiral. Trudeau's address today was so sad - like a farewell to the US as it has been known.
Trump is too intellectually lazy and enept to even work within this framework. He's bombastic and relies on volume, force, pathetic appeals of threat, fear, battery in place of logic/reason. I'm not convinced anyone involved on his side is capable of negotiating. Rubio could, but he and others just mimick Trump's practice, repeating claims with force in kind. Thus far, they offer no substantive thought. Wonderful heuristic. Grateful.
Bravo! Two minutes - you did it! I worked on Madison Avenue so I'm used strict time limits, but in academia this far rarer, all the more credit to you! The content here is critical for Americans to be able to evaluate what our president is presenting to us. Let me post this on BlueSky so it gets more attention.
Excellent, Prof. Snyder. So whom do YOU trust less, Putin or Trump? Or is it a tie for being the scum of the earth?
We are in Tyrannical bind whereby money is the God and egotistical Bullys get access to it through their lifetime of bullying from building contractors in New York right down ordinary workers.
My Father always taught me that Americans saved the World from the tyranny of Hitler now it is fully reversed whereby America is the Tyrant through the agency of Military power being led by a Tyrant
Trump wants world domination,
The question is with or without Russia.
The UN vote, his 4 hour secret meeting with Putin in the first term, the recent Saudi Arabia meetings between USA and Russian and their exclusion of Zelensky in the peace talks and the T/V character assassination point only one way: Trump and Putin are in this together.
Trump invades Greenland to attack NATO from the west while Putin roles over Europe from the east.
Meanwhile Trump sets Canada up to take major steps to retaliate against his 25% economy breaking tariffs which Trump uses to invade Canada from the south and Putincomes over the Northern Pole. They both want access to the North West Passage to ease the plunder of the Artic. And Trump wants the rest of the land for water and its minerals.
If anything goes wrong with the plan, they haul out the nukes.
Nothing here that he has not threatened or insinuated.
American and Canadian people do not want a war. But the lessons of war tell us that does not matter much.
He has to be impeached along with Vance. Lets get to work.
It seems to me, the advice you have spoken should be applied to every relationship!
There isn't a SINGLE reason to trust Trump on anything since he is a chronic liar.
There isn't a SINGLE reason to trust Putin because Russia made promises to Ukraine in The Budapest Memorandum, where Ukraine gave up its nuclear armaments for peace. Look where that got them! Putin will stop at nothing to have ALL of Ukraine. Yes, he might give an inch now and next year he will be back. I don't think Zelenskyy should give away mineral rights to these insatiably greedy people, but he will do his best for his worn-torn country, his exhausted soldiers, and for the war to stop. He shouldn't negotiate without getting all those children back that were kidnapped to Russia.
Thank you, Tim, for another clear and concise analysis. I hope Elissa Slotkin's response tonight speaks to Ukraine's right to sovereignty and US responsibility to support Ukraine in clear and emphatic tones.
Professor Snyder, thank you for the quality of this content and analysis. After Friday's debacle in the Oval Office, I have actually started wheat-pasting excepts from On Tyranny around the streets of downtown D.C., which include a QR Code to the full text at
Since your previous post on the 'People's Cabinet', I'm curious what we can do to gain more traction here. In light of how shocking recent events have been, it seems like there is no organized opposition. How do we change that?
On a bright note, I did purchase and raise a Ukrainian flag outside my home in Washington, D.C. on Friday; by Monday morning there was a postcard in my mailbox from President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S. actually thanking me for displaying the Ukrainian flag at my home. This gives me hope for how strategic and organized the current diplomatic efforts must be.
I got a virus warning when I clicked on the link above...
Thank you Professor Snyder!!! Great context to evaluate the State Of The Union
I beseech you to continue to write your newsletter and to list actions each and every day that can be helpful to turning Republicans that originally (and still in their souls?) support Ukraine to pressure Congress to follow the Constitution which states clearly that only Congress holds the power for funding and that the allocated aid must be released.
(Just as funds needed to be released when Trump attempted a quid pro quo with Zelensky in his first term (ie Biden investigation.
An action a day from you that will make a difference-- this is what I would like in your newsletter
and why I was a founding subscriber.
While you on your promo book tour, I will donate for you to appear on Fox News and Josh Rogan and other right leaning media to engage in your calm brilliant conversations -- in simple language.
You must sing to the discordant 46% of the Americans who voted for Trump.
Lead us in action points to combat tyranny. This is what is needed most each and every day.