Thank you for the article. I have decided to be visible and strategic. I live in a red, rural area. Very Trumpy. But people here don't like government in their business. Although they have been manipulated into believing Trump et al are working on their behalf, there are some lines they have trouble crossing. These are the openings. Support for Veterans is one such opening. The recent cuts in VA support is an opening. People here rely on Medicaid. That is an opening. Musks intrusion into personal data is an opening. Social security benefit cuts. These things are truly unpopular and WILL bring people out of their Trump-induced haze. Churches here are powerful and they back Trump, but people here are mostly middle to lower class and cuts to programs that put food on their tables will bring them out. So I am being strategic and visible in pointing out what's happening - and taking advantage of the openings. They are there.

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Thank you for this. This is the kind of info I was looking for in the article. I live in a blue urban area but the opening I see is in the redder suburbs with what will happen to students who have IDEA services. I think those parents are not going to take losing those services sitting down. At least I hope so.

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That's the spirit! When people find out it's their benefits that are being cut or access to healthcare removed they won't be happy about it, as we've seen from those town hall meetings. House Speaker Mike Johnson has falsely and abjectly claimed that those angry people were all paid by the Democrats to attend and to protest. Rep.Mike Levin of California is requiring all people wanting to attend any of his town hall meetings to pre-register with the police!! Musk is seeking out waste, fraud and abuse in federal government, but meanwhile you've got RFK hiking above the Coachella Valley during the worst measles outbreak in the past decade and newly-appointed spokeswoman for the OPM, McLaurine Pinover posting fashion videos on Instagram from her office! Trump himself was promoting Tesla cars from the front of the White House. This is supposed to be reminiscent of the nazis? Do me a favour!

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"House Speaker Mike Johnson has falsely and abjectly claimed that those angry people were all paid by the Democrats to attend and to protest."

A bit reminiscent of Matt Gaetz claiming that the insurrectionists were Antifa, don't you think?

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The Patel/Bongino axis at the FBI has indicated that they are more likely now to pursue left-wing groups like those operating under the Antifa/BLM umbrella rather than the hard right. The US currently doesn't have a domestic terrorism law but that will hardly be an impediment to this administration given the recent detention of Mahmoud Khalil.

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The wildcard here is: so what? Beaten-down Weimar Germans just shrugged and adapted to life under the Nazis. They'd seen a steady parade of alternating weakness and brutality oscillating back and forth, by then it looked like just another cycle. There was never a "waking up". When the civilians who survived pulled themselves out of the pulverized dust of their cities, they were too traumatized to do anything but stare off into space, waiting for the next boot to come down on them or someone else. There were no Nazis to be found. Everyone was "shocked and appalled" by the discovery of the death camps, including in towns within smelling range of the ovens.

There has been absolutely nothing that stopped Trump or his movement. Time after pathetic time, pundits and yokels (guilty) alike have proclaimed "Oh, THIS is the thing that will bring him down!". Please.

So, back to the wildcard: so far nothing has had sufficient effect on the populace of the good and great nation to even move the needle on Trump's momentum. That Republicans are sniveling cowards who can't face their constituents is not a revelation, just a continuation of their willingness to capitulate to their orange god. Will the American People, as fractious and vacuous as we are, do ANYTHING significant to push back? There has so far been no indication they will.

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"Novel circumstances require invention." We need to dig deep and think hard and fast together about countering the prevalent, lie-based psychology that MAGA is based on. Show up and provide social proof of opposing what is going on. Give others courage to do the same. Keep talking about and sharing even small things that seem to work. Keep going, keep building.

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We are not the Germans in the 30's and 40's. If the GOP congresspeople and senators lose support they will move. Even if they refuse to meet with their constituents this has repercussions. People in pain just salute and go home. They persist.

Jim Acosta is doing live interviewing including from the street in his "Great American Pushback" on substack to prove that people are pushing back and *it's contagious.*

Please don't be a drag because you don't have faith or hope or much of an idea of what has been happening or starting to happen. Or start something!

Look at this: https://jimacosta.substack.com/p/special-great-american-pushback-edition with Lauren Windsor

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You're absolutely right! I think there should be front page -- and top of TV news -- coverage every day. of the protests and angry town halls taking place. As people are hit by tRump's and Muskrat's policies and actions.

People have to know they are not alone in their anger and opposition. It was herd mentality that helped to elect tRump. It can also bring him down.

Another major difference with nazi Germany is that it arose out of the Great Depression, huge unemployment and inflation. The US has been in a period of modest but lowering inflation, and brisk growth and job creation. The world's strongest economy. Also projects that stimulated the economy, and helped to mitigate the neglect of infrastructure under republicon administrations.

People who were swallowing tRump's line that it was the "worst economy in history" under Biden are now feeling the pain of Muskrat's chainsaw. They will not sit back quietly and be happy that they voted for the Mump regime. -- while things get steadily worse.

Also...the nazi regime was very organized and controlling. Under tRump, it's total chaos day by day. Protests are contagious! Join one near you.

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I'll definitely watch Acosta, he's always above average.

Start something? Fair enough, as far as that reposte goes. I'm aware of my own limits, though, I personally may not have that capacity. That does not morally obligate me to quietly nod when I hear vacuous happy talk or ad nauseum rehashes of all the outrages we already know plenty about.

Yeah, what I said about us and Germans. But "they will move" if they lose support? Are you sure? Quite a few of them have expressed fears for the safety of themselves and their families, meaning they understand they are riding on the back of a tiger (leopard?) which will devour many of the their fellow citizens. MAGA faithful and their rabid media mouthpieces have been shrieking for a decade about how eager they are to slaughter whoever is not them, their Congresspersons are crystal clear about what and who they are. There is no equivalence of this effect and behavior on the Left or Middle.

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Look, you voted for him! He managed through your addled election process to win a majority of seats in both House and Senate. He hasn't tried to dismantle any of the constitutional guardrails that exist, he's just ignored them relying almost entirely on executive orders. Many of them have been challenged in the courts. Trump hasn't been able to do exactly what he wants: he's been impeached twice, he's faced 34 criminal charges some of which haven't gone away and he's now a convicted criminal fraudster. Robert Reich has pointed out that there's something like 1,000 elections at state and local level this year so people can show their displeasure at the ballot box. The activist organisation Run For Something says that they have recruited 7,000 new people keen to participate in elections just between the date of the national election and the inauguration. Trump has been forced to change his position a number of times - the use of Guantanamo Bay as a permanent detention centre, the closure of the social security telephone hotline, the freezing of many federal grants and the dismissal of various federal employees. It's all completely hideous, I fully agree, but there's no death camps in sight.

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Yeah, none in sight. I withdraw my illustration until such time as the comparison is more apt. Or until mysterious deaths start cropping up in detention centers.

I'll assume your slur that I voted for him was in a collective sense, that is Americans living under the American system of government and elections allowed this to happen. Mea culpa. We were fat dumb and happy and got what we had coming to us.

That Run For Something uprising is really quite a thing. Thirty years ago, the worst thing you could say about us was how apathetic and uninvolved we all were in our politics. Who'd a thunk, huh?

Regarding your words of encouragement, thought: all the court defeats, convictions, and impeachments have done one thing: they've demonstrated in stark terms how very toothless our system of justice is when confronted with a wild, unruly mob. He doesn't care about any of that, he has arrogated to himself to control and functionally make law, and no one will stop him. Except a wild, unruly mob. My greatest hope is that one of his 3rd-level flunkies slips up and orders guns to be seized after perceiving a threat. It might not require a lot of guns or a broad geography. I'm guessing, hoping, that the Patriotic Johnny Rebs lose their collective shit and go full Ruby Ridge in a dozen places.

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There are no death camps in sight, if you are not an immigrant - even a legal resident with a green card! The demonic despot has promised to make more arrests of people who are speaking out.

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Smart! And thank you!🙏🏾

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Kari, thanks for this report. I've been watching Bernie Sanders on his red-state tour. I do think the place to focus our energy is where the cracks are. It's easier to open something up when you can find some leverage.

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A great essay Laurie. Thanks to Timothy for posting.

How about branding Trump and his congress “Russian Republican” because they are performing as Russians and are backing Russians.

Let’s start by defining who we are actually dealing with.

What is the Russian Republican Party? Who is a Russian Republican? Is there a Russian Republican president?

A Russian Republican ignores the rule of law and the United States Constitution.

Specifically a Russian Republican refuses to acknowledge the democratic principle of free speech.

A Russian Republican places the Russian Republican President before the United States Constitution.

A Russian Republican allows the destruction of the United States Constitution sections and clauses that define “Separation of Power” between the three branches of government.

A Russian Republican demolishes institutions that support the Veterans of the United States.

A Russian Republican refuses to acknowledge that Russia once again invaded a sovereign nation.

A Russian Republican refuses to support a Ukrainian democracy defend its borders.

A Russian Republican refuses to share life saving satellite intelligence to a Ukrainian democracy.

A Russian Republican labels a war time president of a Ukrainian democracy a dictator.

A Russian Republican supports a war criminal. A Russian Republican supports the Trump regime which is now complicit in the crimes against humanity in Ukraine.

A Russian Republican refuses to be part of an alliance of democratic nations called NATO.

A Russian Republican claims that Canada, a sovereign nation must relinquish its independence.

A Russian Republican claims that Greenland, an autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark must relinquish its ties to Denmark.

A Russian Republican claims that Panama, a sovereign nation must relinquish its independence.

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Oh, you mean Putin's Poodle? Got it.

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I thought it was Puppet. I wouldn't insult canines.

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😏You’re right. Hilary Clinton tried to bring it out in the 2016 debate.

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Wow, you very articulately put the truth in outline form!

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Good idea - might be heard by the populace who don't understand "fascism."

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Well written.

And now this Russian Republic begins to attempt to imprison-export certain (not yet groups) people who exert free speech via protests.

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It's a start.

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Hold on! I thought we were comparing the current administration to the nazis?

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True that Russell. Trump is using Hitler’s game plan.


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"Daily life will take on a surreal quality and, if we do not take some action or join an organized resistance, our discussions will consist of merely repeating the latest horror." Many, many thanks for this. Here on Substack I keep observing this very understandable hand-wringing, and although I emphasize I am more and more starting to remind anyone out there who's open to listening that, while there's a time for hashing and rehashing the list of horrors being added to daily, that time is, or should be, coming to an end. We need ACTION, both organized and individual, on multiple fronts, on multiple occasions, and we need it fast. I'm going to a town meeting tonight, and driving about an hour to do so. If I have something to say, I'll say it. If I think others make good points, I plan to cheer them on. Tonight I'm writing postcards in favor of Dem judicial candidates. I've pledged money in support of those candidates I agree with and admire. What are you doing, Mes Amis de la Resistance?

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Hi Leigh, I found a group to rally with in a neighboring town, standing with people of like mind. I have postcards planned for March 15, The Ides of Trump, I have removed my American Flag which I received after it was flown over the U.S. Capitol and have replaced it with a 3 x 5 foot "Stand with Ukraine Flag :as well as other flags for World Peace and several yard signs remain. I live on a a very busy State Road with hundreds of cars going thru every day. I make no secret about where I stand. Every small piece we do will add up. Rule #20 Be as Courageous as you Can. But I will add, I am also finding it is most important to find time to do things that bring joy when I can, read a book, walk, draw. The evil that is around us will choke our spirit if we don't also give ourselves a bit of time.

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Please make sure you get a crowd count!

Everyone who attends a protest, please do the same. Maybe Prof. Snyder can collect the numbers on this substack?

Someone or some organization needs to take charge of gathering the data and putting it out wherever it can be put: billboards, banner ads, whatever.

As to that, we know that full page ads in the Times no longer have any impact: there was little attention, including none from some of my favorite substack writers, when Grant Grissom took out a full page ad in the March 2 Sunday New York Times "A Plea for Donald Trump to Resign." One exception to the silence was from the Philadelphia Inquirer, reprinted on msn.com: https://www.inquirer.com/politics/grant-grissom-ad-new-york-times-trump-20250304.html published the following Tuesday. The article which says that Grissom's ad was republished in 700,000 newspapers. And yet ...

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What are we doing -- helping collectively to #takedowntesla -- https://www.teslatakedown.com/

Just one strain of action, but an available one.

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"And What to Do"

That part seems to be written in invisible ink.

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OMG, right? I am thoroughly convinced and up to date on how bad it is and why. I need way more in the what to do department. The takeaway on what to do is, join a resistance group? And buy Timothy Snyder's book?? I've been calling, emailing, and walking in protest. Does not feel like enough.Come on, not encouraging.

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Hopefully there’s a part II.

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I was in Moscow in the 80’s and saw my male American friends be approached - with great stealth and many different taxis to evade the FSB - Russian women who were liberal poets living in hideouts from the authorities. They could not speak or write freely and lived with other dissidents in underground areas. They wanted my friends to marry them so they could flee the USSR and live freely in the US in Democracy. Is this what the US is on it’s way to becoming?

Are we getting close to massive demonstrations to protest what is happening. Will enough mad Magas upset about losing their govt jobs and cost of living join Democratic citizens to stand in the streets before it’s too late? I think this may be the only option coming upon us and we cannot wait.

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Agreed. The protests have to be massive and so far they are not. And the numbers have to be published. Maybe in units of Trump's lies about how many were at his first inauguration. Was that 1 million? Then 50 million is 50 Trump-fantasy-first-inauguration units. But protest organizers and/or others who can afford it need to collect the data.

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Protests can be contagious and are. People get into the spirit of it, the community. A few people protesting gathers more. And showing this online is important.. communication. We have people to people communication like the Germans did not have. People power.

Jim Acosta yesterday featured on in his "Great American Pushback" series


Again, it can be and is contagious. Then you will see masses. .. the weather is warming, and molecules start moving with heat. People that are afraid gain courage from others. Right makes might!

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You succinctly stated my thoughts! Come on friends-- Timothy Snyder's words

are an echo of the non response to fascism he is decrying.

He is all words, no actions.

He writes:

"Most of its members spend their time bemoaning the atrocities."

Daily life will take on a surreal quality and, if we do not take some action or join an organized resistance, our discussions will consist of merely repeating the latest horror.

Give a solid serious series of newsletters with ACTIONS

How to reach the red and purple peop=le in Congress and people who voted for Trump.

How to push back and protest effectively.

Unfortunately they form a majority of a visible 'opposition' in Germany. So it is no wonder that this opposition has never developed any goals, plans, or expectations. Most of its members spend their time bemoaning the atrocities.

This sounds like you Professor Snyder. I donated $200.00 becuae you promised conversation. Respond to our questions and complaints. Do an action plan and you

yourself need to go on fight wing media. This can still promote your book (which is clearly your main focus -- by extending its audience. Rather than preaching to the choir to sell a few more books.)

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If cornered, the writer, being a sage of great wisdom, would counsel us to "not do anything that will provoke the regime to begin repression". Got that?

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I've been called hysterical on these sites when I raise the alarm, mostly about the Canadian invasion, which genuinely terrifies us. Told to 'chill'. But the truth is, I haven't been hysterical enough, as the US is still pusillanimous and craven. Professor Snyder is right to warn us all.

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The alarm has already been raised, maybe thats why people are calling you hysterical. As almost everyone is posting in response to this essay, ok, now what? People want to take action so if you really want to be helpful stop pointing out the obvious to the choir and pitch ideas of action items. Otherwise people will ignore you. Or call you hysterical.

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Not quite fair. I'm Canadian; Trump is a real threat to my country and I won't shut up because it's all been said before or because it irritates. you Nor will I shut up until I come up with a solution. Blaming the victim much? There needs to be ten million hysterics taking the streets.

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No there need to be 10 million decisive people calmly taking action in the streets. We dont need hysteria or pandemonium

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I missed the "And What To Do" part of the essay. Where is the United Front? Who is leading the Anti-facist Parade? Who is saying, "If. you voted for Trump, that is who you are!" And, "Give me liberty or give me death!?"?

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Political Economy in the 80's examined the collapse of regimes during "structural adjustment"

What topples regimes is protest as it grows from one social, political or economy group to multiple a groups across these divisions. It could start with students, then teachers, then unionist, the environmentalist, then women, then farmers ...As it snowballs it gains power and eventually topples regimes. But those were the days before survielance and violent militias

Just reading the novel "The Women" about Vietnam....powerful parallels to today.

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Funny how I wrote a comment just a couple of weeks ago about a counter coup and several responses were, “no we must follow the constitution or that’s too radical.” I think we are more than ever in the stage where we must form many million -and smaller- people marches to protest. There are groups organizing marches-time to join them.

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You could read Timothy’s most recent book On Freedom for ideas.

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What about the “What to do” part? This just adds more description of inevitable horror. Is it inevitable or not? How can this be stopped? Please — unless we should all just head for the hills, every article should set forth a concrete strategy, if there is one still available. One thing is certain, the US in 2025 is not Germany in the 1930s. Economic conditions are fundamentally different, for now. Germany did not have a 250-year history of at least nominally democratic governance and political freedom of expression. History may rhyme, but surely a carbon-copy repetition is not a certainty. The essential revolutionary question is, What is to be done, here and now? Articles like this risk sliding into the kind of “false equivalence” that we constantly accuse others of making. Writers are also called upon to state specifically what they are actually doing beyond verbal hand-wringing to participate in and help organize the opposition. Or have they given up and decided to subsist on the repetition of daily horrors—luxuriating in gruesome deeds—as described in this piece.

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I agree Ben. I think essays like this are exactly as you describe, they need to end, either by the author, or in this case by Timothy, with suggestions. We NEED alternate visions and pathways toward the visions of a society we want to live in. The “take action or join local resistance” seems to be this essay’s offering but it isnt enough. In any case, if you havent already joined Indivisible.org thats a good place to start. They are succeeding in helping bring people together with action items, and they support local groups to sprout up as they can. Also, Fieldteam6.org is another favorite of mine.

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Yes. Articles like this without giving hope and a path will make some or more than just some, just go, out of fear and anxiety, and hide or worse (leave precipitously): obey in advance to save themselves. We have tools the Germans did not have back then. We are a different people, more multicultural. This is not a fait accompli, is not by any means too late. The first realization, though, brought about by Snyder and his guest Laurie Winer is that this did happen and could happen here if we do not act. It's in our nature to fall. But we are not Germans. We have that example to refer to, we should know it, but should not let it paralyze us.

It is early--we are nearly two months into this *more active* insurrection/coup/takeover where we the people on January 20th have given a toxic person Trump and his vetted loyalists, the most power that we have to give, awesome power that they are testing to extreme limits. It is shocking and it can happen here. But we have to stand up to it. This country belongs to the people. We are hearing many who know and feel this now sounding the alarm. Many are hearing it and responding. We will get a mass movement going as the pain and the realization spreads. We have the means that the Germans did not have. We are not the Germans. We have people to people communication like mankind has never seen before. We do not rely on the Washington Post or Fox News, nor X.

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I agree with you, what to do next please. This is rather daunting.

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Thanks, Tim. I have been teaching and writing about the Holocaust for fifty years. But now is the first time i have barely been able to do it. Not because of atrocity but because of the chronicity and depth of apprehension. The next terrible thing. I remain active in a number of resistance collectives. I am not paralyzed. But the then has collapsed into the now in ways I'd never experienced.

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Yesterday, Trump declared that Chuck Schumer is no longer a Jew — he “used to be a Jew” — and has “become a Palestinian.” Trump is now recruiting Jews for the next genocide, this time against Palestinians, who will be cast out of the Gaza Strip just as any in the US who dare speak out are being rounded up (at Columbia University, no less!) and deported. Sadly, AIPAC and Netanyahu are lusting for the implementation of that genocide, and American Jews will be subject to the pressure to forget and join in—or else they will cease to be Jews and “become Palestinians” like Schumer. It’s disgusting — but how many Jews will have the strength to bear this Trumpian degradation in the name of our common humanity?

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Ben--The answer is that the great majority of American Jews despise Trump, the Gaza madness, Bibi, AIPAC, et al. We are not who you seem to imagine. And who Trump would like you to imagine.

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No, no, you misunderstand me. I know that, and I only fear that Trump will place hideous pressure on people to “forget” who they are, as the piece we’re discussing describes so frighteningly. It takes strength for anyone to defy such pressure. Tim was on MSNBC last night and spoke about the way Trump is manipulating antisemitism in service of his autocratic ends. His attack on Schumer was designed to arrogate to himself the power to decide who counts and to delegitimize Jewish leaders who oppose him. We all must deny him that power, and I hope and pray that the solidarity of the vast majority you refer to remains rock solid. I hope that clarifies.

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Right and thanks. Trump's tactics are so well known--and the motives so transparent (and grotesquely offensive to almost everyone)--that I don't think there's much danger in our mistaking the pig for something else--at least in the U.S. (The Israeli right may be different for their own reasons, although even Bibi is learning he is disposable.) Perhaps Ms. Adelson can be captured, but she already was.

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Thanks, and agreed. I hope you keep teaching in spite of the angst! :)

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Thanks. I still do a lot of teaching. Just don't get paid for it (retired).

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Maybe that's because humans are the flawed little chimps they've always been. Same shit, different day.

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I’m not going to ask how we got here but do they even need a Reichstag fire?

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Here is a very positive essay by Shankar Narayan this morning 3/13 France Unfurls the Flag of Freedom. Thank you President Macron https://www.theconcis.com/p/france-unfurls-the-flag-of-freedom?r=fa5ey&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

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We must stop the CR as it gives the President new powers to steal legally and to tax citizens in a way that puts the funds under Executive branch unilateral control. Give the purse to a felon? We must stop the CR. It gives the President new powers. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/fraud?r=3m1bs

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Maybe I missed it, but I did not see the "and what to do "part of all of this?

Laurie, I love how beautifully succinct and clear this is, and thank you so much for that. As with Prof. Snyder's excellent material, I will pass this on widely. Thank you for that! However, forgive me , but here's my concern :

As a trained historian who has done work in holocaust studies, this is all already quite depressingly clear to me, I'm sad to say. But I clicked on the article because it said "and what to do" ... but I didn't see very much actually about what to do .... for which I don't fault you because honestly I don't frankly think that aside from as much personal acts of resistance we can all commit to, as Prof. Snyder has beautifully called us to do in "on tyranny" and "on freedom"...isn't the disturbing truth that this is coming and all acts of real resistance, brave resistance, will most likely be brutally punished? And if they can't break the man who resists we already know they will go after his wife, his children, those whom he protects, those who look to him and trust him ...

And so won't the only real safety ultimately be leaving the country, which most people simply do not have the means to do?

Sorry for the hopeless nature of the question. Don't get me wrong, in my heart of hearts, I want to fight. I want to resist and I am training my children to as well. But I am a realist. And in all my studies of the holocaust and other regimes that ended in murdering opposition, in the end resistance mostly leads to death, unless one can resist… And escape. Which many people will not be able to do.

The only real safety will be emigration.

But how to emigrate? Not everyone has a profession that can be easily transferred to or even desired by other countries.

And what of children? Most children can be taught the principles of resistance, but their vulnerability… Their sheer vulnerability… How the hell to protect them when all of this begins in earnest?

Thank you for your article. I know it is incredibly helpful for many people. But I am turning my mind, and have for a while, on the practical: how to make our lives less digital, how to download or print out our contacts from our phones and generally prepared to be able to live without the Internet, or even electricity for that matter. Buy a landline. Be prepared for life in power outages. Try to form relationships with neighbors and share skill sets. Think about worst case scenarios and start researching as best you can how to function in them.


I'm all too aware of what is coming.

I'm also determined to resist.

What I don't know is how to survive, and how to protect the vulnerable people that I love, from the retaliation that will come when I do resist.

Question asked respectfully. And with absolute gratitude for you and Prof. Snyder being speakers of the truth.

Thank you so much for that.

Keep speaking.

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I agree that practical preparations are vital. I have experienced multiple power failures from Texas Gov. Abbott's disasterous mishandling of the electrical grid crisis. Thank you for your ideas.

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This is a great essay and should be read by every US citizen! However, the title is What to expect... And What to Do, yet the essay doesn't say what to do. It says what happens but right now, people really do want guidance on what to do--the ordinary citizen without tons of money or political power! Join Indivisible-check, Join Democratic Party in local area--check. Call legislators--check. Contribute to ACLU and others--now what to do?????? Please advise!

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The best book I've read to date is Erich Fromm's, 'Escape from Freedom.' It describes the maga mass movement to a tee. They are revolutionaries who want to tear it all down and rebuild a totalitarian state. They want to hand off all their personal freedoms to live under the warm glow of Donold Rumps authoritarianism. Ignorant of history they are unaware of what awaits them and then that time comes they will accept it, they will kill for it, they will torture for it, and they will die for it.

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Extremely well done! Thank you, Ms. Winer and Professor Snyder.

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WOW. Eye opening. Challenging. Important. Urgent. Thank you.

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