The vast majority of Americans belong to some type civil society group but in the Soviet Union, in contrast, any effort by individuals to join together independent of the government was brutally stamped out, leaving citizens in the new countries without the experience or the skills to advocate - and if necessary agitate - for their interests. - Marie Yovanovitch 📖 Lessons From The Edge. A memoir

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At your and other prodding I read Gogol's "Dead Souls", the Pavear and Volokhonsky translation, and I must say what a delightful read it was... a "poema" Gogol called it. I highly recommend it. I now have his Short Stories, by the same translators.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023


just as the Soviet Union depended upon grain from what is now Ukraine. It's a bread basket.

So they need the economy, but they don't want it to be the Ukrainian economy.

It has to be part of a larger project, right?

If they had let the Ukrainian peasants just grow the grain, they would've had bigger yields than they did under collected by as agriculture. But collective by as agriculture meant that it was all under control, and it would be the Soviet Union, which would be in charge of the distribution and the exports, right? So the Ukrainian economy has to exist and has to not exist, which is a very brief way of referring to something that we have talked about before, which is the death of about 4 million inhabitants of Soviet Ukraine during the 1930s."

Seems, in a lot of respects, that this dilemma forms an unmendable fissure in the Soviet enterprise, dooming it to fail without blood & treasure asserting itself once again. Ukraine's people have seen that before, survived it before -- “Shche ne vmerla Ukraina”🇺🇦!

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How do I stop payments? My husband would like me to delete at least a few.

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Looking ahead to next lecture’s readings, I was unable to access Integration and Disintegration: Europe, Ukraine and the World because it is behind a paywall every place I looked. Maybe it would be possible to make it accessible to your paying subscribers? I don’t have access to Jstor and others of that ilk because I’m not affiliated to a university.

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What you have to say is extremely important and interesting. Reading your essays has been a highlight of my day. However, having had 15 years of higher education (UG -- World History and Chemistry majors, music and languages minor -- French, Chinese, and Russia; then Med School; then 3 Internships -- Internal Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry + another 2-1/2 years completely Psychiatry residency), I am finding it difficult to sit through yet another lecture. Is there a way that you can have someone go through your lectures and pull out the salient points and write them in essay form? I would greatly appreciate this! [BTW, I think it's possible that you may be familiar with some of my father's work, particularly "Power and Privilege". His name was Gerhard Lenski. I know that he did a fair amount of into Central and Eastern European societies. He also had a connection to Yale, having done his UG work there and received his PhD in Sociology there, as well. Please forgive me if I mentioned this before! Age 70 + memory issues.]

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