Thanks for sending us this and I just donated to Safe Skies. The horrifying sentence is this: "It's been six months since meaningful U.S. aid has reached Ukraine." I wonder how Mike Johnson can sleep at night. He could bring it to the House floor but obviously is too worried about Marjorie Taylor Greene's reaction. And, he professes to be a Christian.

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I have been writing and calling (for the past 6 weeks almost 3 to 4 times per week) my congressman who claims that he supports Ukraine but I have not received any response from him. I urged him to encourage his colleagues and the speaker to vote to support Ukraine or sign a discharge petition. I also tried to schedule an appointment with him during his "vacation" by calling 3 times but I cannot get an appointment. His local aide was rude and claims he sent my message to the scheduler but still no response and told me that the congressman doesn't have time to respond to all emails and requests.

We also called the Speaker but again I cannot get a response or even talk to a person, especially because we do not live in his district This week, the speaker's voice mail was apparently turned off. I feel hopeless because I cannot offer words of encouragement to my Ukrainian friend who is waiting for a miracle that she feels will never happen.

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I just donated again to Safe Skies. And I've also been making some small donations to help test the United24 App that is in development. They are small amounts, but I know it all adds up. I also emailed my legislators today, to remind them to support Ukraine in every way possible.

In addition, I will be returning to volunteer in Ukraine in June. I will get to provide trauma care to civilians in the recently de-occupied areas in the south and east. I am very anxious to get back there. The experiences that people shared with me last month, when I was there, are powerful and disturbing. The occupation was brutal, and the continued strikes, day and night, are grueling.

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Just donated $600 to Come Back Alive. Thank you for the suggestion. Previous contributions have been to Safe Skies; the opportunity to help frontline soldiers hold off the Orcs seems more urgent than ever with Congress - or its Putin wing (love that) - dithering.

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RE: Calling House members. Here are two things that have worked for me to get attention on a call:

(1) ASK A SPECIFIC QUESTION ABOUT THE REPRESENTATIVE'S ACTIONS (OR INACTION). I ask if the member has signed onto Discharge Petition #9, sponsored by James McGovern (D-MA). If a majority of the House signed, it would bring the bipartisan Senate-passed Ukraine funding bill to the floor, and Mike Johnson won't be able to block the vote. The petition is closing in on 200 signatures--we're almost there!

(2) TELL THE REPRESENTATIVE HOW UKRAINE AID BRINGS MONEY AND JOBS TO HER/HIS STATE (or better yet, district). The flip side, of course, is that failure to pass the defense aid potentially *costs* the state/district that money and those jobs. There are state-by-state data you can use:

Scroll the article to get a map:


Here's the dollars & cents breakdown, from the American Enterprise Institute:


One member I called is in a district with a facility that makes parts for the HIMARS system. The representative had not signed the discharge petition. The staffer I spoke to didn't know about the HIMARS manufacturer/Ukraine connection, and took time to note the information. When I checked the petition status a couple of days later, the representative had signed.

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Thank you Prof Snyder. I just donated to Safe Skies and have an ongoing contribution to Razom. And this is thanks to you. I hope when Ukraine is free of this war they will give you the order of merit or whatever their highest honor is, if you haven’t received it already. Respect.

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Thank goodness my representative, @RepLloydDoggett

(D, TX-37), is so pro-Ukraine that he's been writing letters to the White House demanding that President Biden send not just more weapons, but longer-range weapons. Republicans here in Austin have been doing their best to punish us for the last ~15 years, including making it impossible for him to win by gerrymandering him out of Austin after the 2010 census, so that he had to run in San Antonio, the result being that for 10 years Austin got useless crackpot Rs. That changed after the 2020 census, when we got him back. The state government here constantly harasses us. They really do believe we're communists. Right-wingers in Texas have been calling us "The People's Republic of Austin" for years. When the city council unanimously passed a plastic bag ban in 2012, the state of Texas sued us and won. But because it took 5 years for the lawsuit to work its way through the court system, we got used to bringing our own bags to the supermarket and most of us still do. So there! pfffth! So much for letting the localities decide.

Didn't know about Liberty Ukraine Foundation, run mostly by Texans. I'll check that one out. Have donated to the others and will continue to do so.

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Thank you, Prof Snyder. This reminder, and the others you have provided, are needed to encourage each of us to continue comprehensive support and to explicitly state commitment behind that support.

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Thank you for the reminder this is all one fight, on multiple fronts. I'm writing, calling, donating, joined a US voter registration postcard campaign and go online happily bonking (combating disinformation) and donating as a member of NAFO. My Representative is alas one of the Democratic Socialists who joined hands with MAGAts refusing to let Ukraine get aid because Israel aid is in the bill. Ironically Gaza was too. But generally this alignment is a split, ominous for November. Not enough press inches for Mike Johnson's remark a few days ago that he'd seek to fund Ukraine after the recess, but only if tied to opening the spigot on ruszian gas. Anyone else see the irony? Johnson has ties to ruszian oligarchs who pretended to have a gas company that functioned only to dish out political money. He was forced to return a $60+ K campaign donation but there's still a smell of influence, here and elsewhere. What else can we do, though, but keep going and remember nothing is permanent.

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Tim's very first recommendation is: "U.S. voters can make phone calls to make sure that American does the right thing. Mark your calendar for a day next week and a day following week to call your Congressional representative."

Here is the raw version of the hotlink Tim shared in his post-- when cut and pasted it is guaranteed to make sure the interactivity comes through.


For many of us, writing feels more comfortable than leaving a voice message or speaking into a Congressional staffer's ear, but political strategists are clear that the phone calls are exponentially more effective.

This is worthwhile doing in all states, but if you know people in problem states, especially cool to get them sharing the link. Note that members of Congress only accept input from their own constituents.

If you discover "issues" please share them below, and these will be conveyed to the right people at RAZOM, and helpful to improve the process. So important right now.

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As a Canadian with Ukrainian heritage, a father, and a grandfather, I have contributed to this "Safe Skies Project".

All humans with any heart in these evil rich times are feeling angry, sad, and often powerless.

I offer this prayer of strength at our Easter time to preserve our Democracy here against Trump and preserve the Ukraine people against Putin's evil

"St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel defend us [them] in battle.

Be our [their] defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil [advocates and agents],

May God rebuke them we humbly pray,

And do thou O Prince of the heavenly hosts by the power of God,

Cast into hell Satin [Putin, Trump] and all evil spirits,

Who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls,


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I wrote my Congressional Representative (Elise Stefanik) when the Ukraine funding was being held up because of the southern border issues. At the time I contacted her the talks on the border had broken down completely. I pointed this out and suggested that therefore Ukraine funding should pass. She did respond and later informed me of a bill she sponsored to vet Ukraine funding to make sure it was going where it was supposed to. I felt this was a good thing, as Americans would be leary of foreign funding and this could allay those fears and help Ukraine get the funding it needs. She is very much a Trump supporter, but she is very aware of the threat from Putin. President Zelensky himself wants help from both Democrats and Republicans in his countrys' fight to survive.

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Together we make a difference:

“All mankind would have perished then for sure

If tyrants could have quenched the tiny spark

Of love to brother-man which still survived

And in the hearts of some still lived and glowed.

That spark did glow, it would not be put out,

But glimmered till it burst into a flame

Which blazed and banished all the darkness drear,

And light became the mistress of the world!”

~ Lesya Ukrainka, 1871-1913, Ukrainian Poet

(excerpt from “Grandfather’s Fairy Tale,” translation by P. Cundy)

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Thank you Dr. Snyder. I'm grateful for your posts. This is the third time I

have donated to Safe Skies. I also donated to 1 Team 1 Fight. Would you write something about how the Discharge Petition to support Ukraine is going. I wish that process was more reported on. Thank you again.

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Thanks for these links. I just donated to safe skies and will make another donation if you will post these links every month for those of us on Social Security. I can do a different one each month if you’ll drop a reminder.

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Thank you for this valuable summary of places to support Ukraine. From experience on other issues, phone calls and postcards can make a difference. Numbers matter. I

If you're looking for an amount between $6 and $60, and can't decide how much, perhaps think of splitting $36 six ways, or any other multiple of $6 that fits your budget, or matches the challenges to which you're most connected.

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