Nov 1, 2023Liked by Timothy Snyder

I just cashed out the $365 in my credit card rewards, and will add a few $$ to that.

Ukrainians are not just a soup-centric, but also a digital-savvy people. I've been impressed with their inventions, especially the Sea Baby. Last year I read a comment in the Wall Street Journal by a software business owner who wrote that he's telling software business people he knows that Ukrainians are so digital-savvy that they should look into setting up shop in Ukraine after the war is over.

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I am using this space at the top of the thread (Rose will probably forgive me) to say: on the donation page, there is a dark grey line right above the 50/100/150 suggested sums where you can put in the amount you wish. Someone found it strange that the 'minimum contribution should be USD 50.00'. It is just a suggestion, you can donate much less as well as much more.

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I had marked my calendar to make a donation to Razom before year end, but this message is timely. Professor Snyder, thank you for posting this message and appeal; I have made another donation to United24 and I am sharing this note and the United 24 page with friends and family. Слава Україні!

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I'm in. I don't have much. My budget is very tight. And, I try to help as much as I can. I have been sending what I can throughout, and this is a wonderful opportunity to support Ukrainian innovation.

I landed in London on 24 Feb 2022, and had a few days there. I stood in Trafalgar Square with hundreds of Ukrainians and those who support them. They were pleading for the skies to be closed. The skies have still not been closed above Ukraine, but Safe Skies would go a long way toward saving thousands upon thousands of lives.

Thank you for this opportunity.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

I am so excited! We only need 949 more followers like me and the sum will be raised. I am grateful to Professor Snyder for all his work and this new fundraising effort. Hugs to all, we have become an amazing community of supporters of Ukraine.

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Thank you!

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Hi, Elizabeth. Haven't seen you for awhile. Hope you're doing well. It's finally gotten cold here, which is very welcome.

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Oh, Rose, so much has happened since we last exchanged messages. I was meaning to write it up. Telegraphic style. You remember my Ukrainian teacher friend in the school building community? She and her family managed to get out of the Kupyansk area (a tale for a long winter night), left her cats with a friend in a village near Kivsharivka, went back to help the infirm and the elderly to get out, worked with the 'looking-after-the-cats' friend, fell in love, got married to him... Their baby boy was born last Friday... Remember her friend, who panicked and evacuated and took the bus to Russia? Her friends were frantic to get her out, she was, indeed, smuggled out and ended up in Finland. My friend visited her in the summer with her son (who is 17) so that he could stay with this lady and her teenage son. Social services said he would be better off in a student hostel in the forest (with all activities and commodities), so he is there now, has started school and has Finnish lessons every day. He is also supported by a teacher in our community, who is acting as a surrogate dad for him. This is not telegraphic, after all, but perhaps you don't mind :-)

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Thanks for letting us eavesdrop on this story

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Thanks for the update, Elizabeth. Yes, I remember all of those people, especially the poor woman who, in a panic, got on the bus headed to Russia. I'm happy to learn she is now safe. That must have been terrifying.

I'm glad your Ukrainian teacher friend and her family managed to get out of the Kupyansk area, which is once again not a good place to be for civilians. Am also happy to learn that she was able to help others out, and that she and the 'looking-after-the-cats' friend got married and now have a baby.

I wish the 17-year-old son luck with learning Finnish!

No, your comment is not telegraphic, but I love to read your long reports.

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or 1908...

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Either way is brilliant.

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Make that 948 now!

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Bless, you, Paul!

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Thank you again Professor Snyder. I hope the moral simplicity of this project will appeal widely.

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especially considering Ukraine's responsible and successful results of the past!

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Sometimes you just have to try another card if you have one.

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Thank you for posting this opportunity.

I have deleted Twitter/X. I can’t find you on Threads.

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Can't seem to work the donation site. Can you help?

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

I am in the same position. After filling in the donation amount and source with expiration date, etc., it asked for the code that I received -- I saw no code to provide, so I believe that my donation did not go through, and I received no statement that it did. What can I do?

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I'm not an expert at all when it comes to browsers or internet protocol. Just wondering if pop-ups windows are enabled on the browser you use? When I filled in my CC information and pressed confirm another window opened with my Banks's logo asking me to provide the code that was texted to my cell phone. After I typed that code in the pop up window, I was returned to the United 24 page and printed/saved a receipt.

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I followed the same procedure. The confirm payment button seemed to be inactive, so I clicked again, my bank then asked for confirmation, gave me a code to use and I was then able to finish the transaction and get a receipt.

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I got all the way through that process and never got the notice of receipt. :<

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It told me that if I wanted a receipt to click on the box, which I did, and the receipt popped up in another window as a pdf that was downloaded to my one drive. What I usually do after I've paid for something online is, when the "payment received" with all of the info appears, I do a screenshot and email it to myself. If I eventually receive a payment confirmation email, I delete the email with the screenshot.

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Thanks. I just never got the confirmation, the tool just got stuck in endless spooling. I'll give it a go again in a bit. :>

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Devra and Fern, Was your code sent to your email? Mine was.

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Thanks for responding, Rose. I did not receive an email and my credit card issuer only has my landline number, which does not have a texting function.

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Oh. Well if you have a cell phone then you could temporarily change the # listed on your credit card account? I have google fiber, which means I can text from my laptop using my home phone, which I very much like, as I don't like using that tiny keyboard on my cell.

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Thank you, Rose. I have another credit card, which I think may work.

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mine was sent to my phone

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Thank you, Roxanna. I received nothing and checked. It may be that my credit

company has my landline number, which does not have a texting function.

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bummer, Fern

Maybe you can try the bank transfer; it's not setup automatically, but should be doable....

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Thank you, Roxanna. I think that I will try it on another credit card, which may work.

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If I remember well, United24 will give us weekly updates about the amount raised.

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I just made a donation, but not sure it went through either. I'll check my credit card purchases. Thank you Dr. Snyder for all that you do. Who knew someone from Centerville, Ohio would end up making a world of difference...teaching, writing, and being a living example to us all.

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I tried twice to donate by credit card, but the donation was rejected by Visa. There is nothing wrong with my credit card. There may be something wrong with the way the site authenticates transactions. I would love to donate. Is there an alternative way to do so?

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Donated but after I entered my credit card info, I just get a black United24 screen with the wheel of futility endlessly rotating so I'm not certain my donation went through. Anyone else experience this? I never received the code that some people have a referred to nor was I offered one. Thanks much.

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Thanks Prof Snyder for your continuing support of the defense and to suggesting ways in which we can directly support the Ukrainian people.

Yes, I'll continue to donate through United24.

Defense systems of this sort are important for the necessary humanitarian protection of civilians, which protection is so needed given the Putin regime's brutal and criminal, wanton and indiscriminate aggression. They are extremely costly, but necessary.

The need also points to the immediate importance -- global importance -- to resume and expand development of improved understanding and effectiveness of international arms control agreements and institutions. Every nation has the responsibility -- real humanitarian responsibility -- to participate fully in the improved formation and expansion of every sort of international arms control.

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Thank you so much for keeping Ukraine on everyone's mind. The Middle East crises seem to have taken over the world.

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Professor Snyder: Thank you so much for the continued opportunity to support Ukraine, This fundraiser is so critical.

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Thank you for being a United24 ambassador, Prof. Snyder. My donations to United24 started last year with your initial drone fundraiser, and I have continued contributing about every 4-6 weeks to the various projects. Now I will focus on the detection system until the goal is reached.

It is frustrating to me that the Congress members who oppose further support for Ukraine ignore the Ukrainians' fierce, tireless drive to help themselves--with global-scale crowdsourcing, for example, and development of new inventions out of almost nothing. They are not simply coming to Americans with their hands out, looking for a free ride. Pres. Zelensky turned down the ride on day one. Ukraine looks to its allies for partnership so the people can win their independence for themselves. They must prevail, and we must help.

I'm looking forward to your new book!

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