
I’m going to proffer an extended setup for crucial questions for the Professor. Please select what you believe is most relevant to the discussion.

We are seeing exposed for the first time in America the outsized power of a propaganda giant like Fox Media Corporation in promoting and amplifying lies and a narrative that causes citizens to distrust elections (the foundation of our young but longest-standing pluralistic democracy) and also destructive to democracy writ large.

Tristan Harris, co-founder and executive director of the Center for Humane Technology (https://www.humanetech.com/), recently interviewed Marc Faddoul, co-director of Tracking Exposed — a nonprofit investigating social media algorithms and their influence on our lives (https://tracking.exposed/about/)-.

Unsurprisingly, this episode centers on TikTok and how it changed itself one day before Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. This change in algorithmic modification, coupled with TikTok’s AI, gave Putin an outsized ability to shape the narrative about the invasion by inverting the model.

A MUST LISTEN: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-undivided-attention/id1460030305?i=1000602448155

We know now Fox shared confidential Biden campaign data with Jared Kushner and the Trump team (I won’t go all wonky, but understand what this data is and how crucial its confidentiality is to campaign strategy) — one can only presume it not only landed in GOP strategists hands but perhaps in the hands of MBS or Putin or Xi to help Trump gain an advantage over Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election. Maybe, all the more reason the Trump camp was incredulous about the Biden victory. If you think you’ve cheated your way to victory WITH your competitor's data, how stunned would you be to learn you lost anyway?

My point is we MUST rationally and logically presume Trump WILL be the 2024 Republican Presidential nominee from a national security perspective. From a national security perspective, we then MUST assume he WILL cheat to win. It's the ONLY way he evades prosecution from the mounting avalanche of litigation.

I know what keeps me up at night. What keeps you concerned with how we navigate the next 613 days until the 2024 Presidential Election and help Ukraine win this war against Russia? Can they, will they be able to return to 1991 territory boundaries?

How can we help democracy at home; help Ukraine defend democracy abroad; help the people of Moldova stay strong; help mitigate attacks on the people of Moldova, Mexico, and Taiwan?

(An Aside:) What is happening in Mexico is not hitting the mainstream media. President Lopez Obrador, aka AMLO, is also waging an assault on democracy set to collide with the 2024 Presidential Elections in Mexico IF they occur. Mexican citizens have already taken to the streets in protest.


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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

I have a question for the Professor that I hope I will have the time to ask directly. I've just looked at a lot of the readily available historical narratives one can find online about the founding of Russia in Western Europe beyond Wikipedia, including on Websites of Universities etc ; and quite a lot are failing to make the distinction and case, that Professor Snyder makes so eloquently, that NO link at all exists between the Kyiver Rus and the Russian Empire founded in 1721. How did that happen? How did so many institutes got this so wrong?

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How can we have more details on the kidnapped Ukrainian children via filtration camps. I simply do not believe it is only 6,000 children... including some of the mothers and kids the numbers must go into tens of thousands as a minimum.

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I am reading A. Anatoilii's BABI YAR, and I have a whole new frame of reference for this event after attending Prof Snyder's lectures. about how and why some Ukrainians (including Jews) initially welcomed the Nazis after years of disastrous Soviet rule. wondered what Prof Snyder's thoughts are on this particular (uncensored) book (published in translated FSG 1980).

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I haven't gotten an. email, yet.

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Substack’s app and website were probably not designed for “real-time” discussions, but I appreciated the opportunity to post questions and view Professor Snyder’s responses. I also enjoyed coming back to this thread after the “livestream “ ended and reading all of the comments. I so appreciate the “Thinking About” community. I’d love it if we could get together in a moderated Zoom conversation -with Dr Snyder as our special guest of course.

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Are there any signs that the Biden Administration will admit more Ukrainian refugees?

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Is this happening?

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Hi from LA

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Same problem... didn’t receive any e-mails🤷‍♂️

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It's sometimes said the West failed to support Russia in transitioning to benign capitalism, democracy and the rule of law in the 1990s so Putin is to sone extent 'our' fault. What's your view

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Pleased to be participating. I assume this page will refresh periodically as questions and comments appear?

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I have a question I'd like to put in advance, in case I can't make the live chat:

I recently saw a photo of Ukrainians laying wreaths commemorating their dead at the foot of a tall statue of a young girl, clothed in a short dress. She was a striking figure. Who is she? What is her name? What lore is associated with her? Grateful for anything people can tell me…

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Can someone please tell me where one accesses the live chat? Thank you.

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