An excellent take down of this absurd imperial propaganda

My $0.02 — the truth is totally unimportant to Putin (like Trump). It is only the narrative that matters and if that narrative can help justify their actions or get people to do their bidding for them. These two are fundamentally related in leadership, a necessity to accomplish goals. The union of these two things is what propaganda serves btw, and Putin is a master of it all.

I thought the interview also was meant to model to the “appropriate” relationship of dominant strongman ruler to submissive and subservient “journalist.” For the MAGA faithful that was the intended audience, I believe this was meant to ingratiate them to Putin style leadership - the hated media “in its place”

Thank you again for your steadfast leadership in this difficult moment Mr Snyder.

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Thank you for this terrific article about Putin's lies & the real history of Ukraine & Russia. If others want to delve more deeply into Ukrainian history, your autumn of 2022 lectures on The History of Ukraine at Yale University are available for free on YouTube. I recommend them highly.

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If you actually watched the interview without vomiting or wanting to smash the screen, more power to you. I thought Alexander Vindman's "new" name for little furrowed brow Carlson, "Tuckoyo Rose" was on point! Thank you for reiterating what is the truth. Given the "both sideism" of too much of the media these days, straight talk is what we all need. Truth and continually speaking it may be the only antidote to the poisonous virus circulating throughout the body politic we're

being subjected to each day. Was so glad to follow your Yale lectures and appreciate the reading list. Have read several already and have ordered the newest book you recommended. Thank you again for such a thorough rebuttal to the spectacle of c and p. Lord! What a situation!

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In his 3 hour speech, justifying his invasion of Ukraine, Putin briefly mentions the desire of the Ukrainians for self-governance. And discards their drive for independence as invalid. His claim is that Democracy is weak and a failed governing structure. Bill Browder's books describe a Russian government that is controlled by a parasite-like oligarchy. A small group of men who use the Russian government and legal system for their personal gain. They have looted $1 Trillion from the Russian citizens. Investing the stolen money into assets (real estate and other) located in the Western Democracies, including the United States. Where their investments are (mostly) protected by the rule of law. This recent history defeats Putin's anti-American propaganda claims. Which are obviously self-serving. (The money for Putin's $ 1 billion palace didn't fall from heaven.)

From a distance, his strategy is a sophisiticated confidence game. RT and Tucker and Fox and the other enablers are his tools to "tell the tale". Putin lends these tools to Trump, who is a con artist ally.

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This article brought to my mind this proverb: "TRUTH does not happen, it just is."

Native American Proverb

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Tour de force, Professor Snyder. We have to hope that truth is greater, and will prevail.

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If historical boundiaries and ethnicities had any relationship to current nation states, it would be interesting for Tucker to interview Americas indigenous leaders to get their views. Tucker Carlson should be taken seriously about nothing, as also should Putin. It is a disservice to humanity and decency to give either the time and space to express their views on any topic at all.

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With alternative facts as the guiding light of the GOP I’m not confident that republicans want to learn anything about history. I mean they’re on a crusade to snuff out all American history that offends them. Thank you Professors Snyder for educating us and keeping the faith that sooner than later the truth will emerge.

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Putin makes the same mistakes about history as do most Americans, myself included. Perhaps the Russian trolls monitoring this Substack could suggest that he inform himself by taking Professor Snyder's course, as I did.

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It should be obvious that when you write, "On Putin's logic, leaders anywhere can make endless claims to territory based on various interpretations of the past," we are now living in a country where a substantial number of national figures and institutions (e.g. the Supreme Court, and all the MAGA Republicans) are making endless substantial claims to our psychologic and economic territory based on fabulated interpretations of the past. Thus preparing for..............

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We are so fortunate you are here for us. Tremendous article

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Awesome essay! It is so important to keep stressing well-founded facts and not be terrorized by the totalitarian power Putin exercises ... I wish the focus could move to what will happen inside Russia

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🙏 I’ve been waiting for this exact post since learning “the tuck” was going to interview Putin. How many Americans will believe the lies and fantasies?

I keep coming back to this question: “Why are the Russians so _________. Thats a hard one for non historians to even begin to answer. Some of it starts with the end of WW2. How many Russian people died/were killed during WW2? Compare that to the US and something should click.

What a horrible way for the Tuck to make a living. He should know better. He disqualifies himself as a journalist imho.

In my own curiosity, I came across this article by a graduate student researching memory laws and Putin’s role as the ceremonial head of Russian revisionist history education. It’s a quick and easy read substackers may find valuable.


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Thank you so much for this critical distillation of a history that many of us are not well versed in and that a profound number of world occupants no nothing about (thinking of our US citizens/electorate/tfg/Republican politicians). Worst of all is how history and truth has been bastardized throughout the ages for power, wealth and now media popularity with the slaughter of millions now and throughout time.

No, we do not learn anything from history….

The cost of these propagandists’ lies is dire. History has told us so.

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Excellent thank you

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using reason and facts regarding history with Putin is like disabusing a person with a delusion - doesn't go anywhere; instead, validate his reality with a, here's the deal approach - although as he's bona fide sociopath, i'm hard pressed to come up with something that would result in changed behavior - perhaps someone who knows him well would be able to leverage his unremitting nihilism

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