Jan 6·edited Jan 24

I am refreshing this post because I have an update on the second Safe Skies donation project, which I received today from United24.

Over $1.5 million for the Safe Skies system — done 🔥

Just imagine, our ambassador, along with four professors from the world’s leading universities, raised funds for 2500 sensors that will help protect Sumy, Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts from drones and missiles.

But Timothy wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t decide to keep going! He is raising another $950 000 which will be enough to protect Kharkiv, Kirovohrad, Poltava and Cherkasy oblasts.

Just $300,000 stands between our ambassador and the goal of $1,900,000. This is the cost of 5,000 sensors that will help Ukrainian Air Forces protect the Ukrainian sky even more effectively in eight regions.

Support Timothy Snyder! Support Ukraine!

Here is the link: https://u24.gov.ua/safeskies

You do not have to donate a pre-determined amount, the line above those figures allows you to donate as little or as much as you wish. I'll do my part.


I remember sharing those lessons one by one on social media as mantras lest we should forget. The 'lessons' are still guiding my practice as a teacher educator and ordinary citizen. The essence of the principles provided by this pocket-book size volume hits deeper and deeper every day. Also what Masha Gessen said at the time and has been saying ever since.

In mid-March 2022, I warned my Ukrainian teacher colleagues to check the validity of their passports and send copies of important documents up to the Cloud system. Some asked me not to cause panic. I said that making sure you have a valid passport is the opposite of panicking.

I don't think we should engage with the gentleman who has commented below. His posts reflect his unshakeable stance.

This morning, after yesterday's chaos, prison riots and kidnappings, and the announcement of a state of emergency for sixty days in Ecuador (where I live), I received this message from a Ukrainian member of the educational fundraising group in which we work together:

"That’s bad news. Really sorry! At the time you Elli gave me lots of good suggestions on how to survive. Some of them saved my life. It’s time you follow them too. Be strong! Keep safe as much as possible in the situation."

So, yes, "Be calm when the unthinkable arrives." ( Lesson 18)

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I would add a 21st resolution: Start teaching civic classes again in our schools. Too many American citizens have no idea what we are on the verge of losing. Americans need to be taught again what the idea of the United States actually means.

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On Tyranny has also been published in a beautiful graphic edition, illustrated by Nora Krug.

This book is my favorite. Coming from a family of courageous leaders in the WWII Resistance, I fight on to protect democracy and freedom with my ✍🏻.

The pen is sharper than the sword. ✌🏻Evil prevails when good people fail to act.

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On Tyranny is a powerful piece of work. From early 2017 through 2023, I kept buying copies and handing them out, a total of 43 copies. I joined with a group of women in my town to discuss and digest On Tyranny, ultimately impacting our thinking and action. Thank you, Professor Snyder.

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I bought 10 copies of this when it came out and would buy 10 more today.

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I read your book awhile back and what really stuck with me is the lesson to not obey in advance. Everyone who believes that the Supreme Court should not enforce the amendment regarding disqualifications from office, is doing exactly that. They are afraid of the repercussions from Trump and his supporters. If we are afraid to enforce our laws, he has already won.

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I was so proud of myself when I read the book and bought 10 copies to give to friends. I'm a bush-leaguer in this bunch!! I'm gonna forward this email to the usual suspects!! The best thing about that book is that it introduced me to a scholar of Eastern Europe. Timothy Snyder and Anne Applebaum are my "go-to" people for that part of the world. They have lived there and know what it FEELS LIKE! I think Biden needs to resurrect the "Fireside Chat." That's how FDR turned a nation. How would you like to see President Biden and Timothy Snyder sit down & discuss Ukraine, Authoritarianism, and Russia for an hour. What about Robert Reich and the economy & equality. What about Jon Meacham and The Founding Fathers. How about Adam Tooze & what's happened to capitalism and consumerism. One more: Robert Kaplan could educate the President and all of us on what life &

war is like in an authoritarian government. The minions, me and you, badly need an education, and the President would learn a few things he might not know. Resurrect the Fireside Chat! I think Biden would be great at the job.

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This is excellent. And it is so scary that we need it! Thank you.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

21. Know that reliable communications are more likely than not to be severed, so do not permit yourselves to believe what *will* be available to you, which is propaganda: "Germans in Warsaw did not simply ban Poles from communicating, publishing, and broadcasting information: they provided their own."

--Your former doctoral student Jadwiga Biskupska, in her dissertation turned into a book, "Survivors: Warsaw Under Nazi Occupation" (NY: CUP, 2022). '5.1 Nazi Information Control,' pp.142ff.

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Each edition of On Tyranny is different and enriched in its own way. I own them all and have reserved room on the bookshelf for new versions. The kindle edition goes with me wherever I go. When I am gone, On Tyranny will belong to grandchildren.

The Supreme Court will hear the Colorado disqualification case on February 18. If the Court follows the plain text and history of the 14th Amendment, Section 3, they can separate the law from politics by disqualifying trump (as they must) and leaving it up to Congress, the political branch, to remove the disqualification. It was Congress that shirked its constitutional responsibility in the second impeachment, and it was Congress that was attacked on Jan. 6. Let the final judgment be made there.

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This summary of his 2017 book ON TYRANNY is helpful for those who did not buy Professor Snyder’s book or did not recall his earlier ON TYRANNY Substack article.

I wonder if he might relate his ‘10 points’ specifically to what currently is occurring in the United States and globally.

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Just dawned on me that #18 is Netanyahu! I'm Jewish and pro Israel but it's clear he's used October 7th for his own personal ends. Disgusting and treacherous. If that attack had happened under Shimon Peres, the right wing would be calling for his head. It's good to know that Israeli citizens are starting to get back on the street and call his power grab for what it is.

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Speaking of symbols, January 6th is a time to put out a flag and stand up for democracy. And if you can, support your favorite candidates with donations, however small; money matters but numbers of donations do too; esp, where the races are tight.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

These are points and warnings are excellent and worth re-reading over and again. I bought a copy and gave it to family and downloaded the e version to keep me company. But most importantly one must examine oneself and be better... this is a roadmap.

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Just saw a professor Snyder's appearance on the Alex Wagner show. A line that really hit me was " it's about a million people doing a million little things." Even though I'm vegetarian reminds me of the adage how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

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Thank you Prof. Snyder for these important reminders. The old adage that "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" could not be truer today, and it is essential to educate Americans on how their choices will enable our democratic institutions survive and thrive, or cast them (and our lives) into the abyss of tyranny and authoritarianism. It can be done, but it requires an all out effort on the part of every logically thinking American to take the correct path. We have our work cut out for us this year.

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