I can hardly wait to read it and it's coming out exactly at the right time.

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I’m in !

July 13, 2024

Twenty (20) House Democrats, out of two hundred-thirteen (213)…

…one (1) Senate Democrat, out of forty-seven (47), and…

…the vast right-wing corporate media think President Joe Biden should dropout…

…give the White House to a traitor without a fight…

…a traitor who tried on January 6, 2021, to overthrow our government.

What does that tell YOU?

What will you tell these Democrats?

What will you tell the MEDIA?

WHAT I’m telling them —

“Get off your ass, go knock on doors, talk to voters.

“Ask them what they think about Trump’s 2025 Project.

“Ask them if it’s more important to elect an old president or one who can’t tell the truth.”

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A large pre-order helps a book debut high on bestseller lists. Bestselling books get media attention and their authors get interview opportunities. Let's make On Freedom number one on publication day.

I pre-ordered the Kindle edition and a hardcopy for my nondigital reader husband.

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I'm looking forward to your new book. I ordered it as soon as you mentioned it was coming out in September. Thank you for all you do. We are in such perilous political times.

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pre-ordered already!

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Already on pre-order 👏

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Pre-ordered, and will review...

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Great! I get to by this as a birthday present. This book.

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I have ordered 3. Sent out over 20 copies of Tyranny. Can’t be as generous this time. By September I hope this tempest is over and calm has returned to the nation. Yeah, I too know : That ain’t happening! Maybe I can spring for another ten. 15 is my limit, we will sadly see … maybe 30 if we are still in preparation for absolute Tyranny. Thank you Timothy. Well done in the tradition of Paul Revere.

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Also pre-ordered when you first announced. Eager for its arrival. Grateful to you for your work.

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Was thinking about this book last night as I was again thinking about the meaning of freedom here in the US. After spending time on the history of the Soviet Union and the writings of Soviet dissidents, it's impossible for me not to think of ''Nobody's gonna tell me...'' as anything but infantile.

Watched ''The New Paganism: How the Postmodern Became the Premodern'' live, and because, thanks to you and your lectures on antiquity and early Middle Ages in Ukraine, I'm now stuck in that period of history, and don't want to leave it, at least for now. I decided first I need to tackle the West before moving back to the East, which I'm now doing. Could you please provide us with a bibliography of the works you used for the paper you read in Vienna? I always take note of the bibliographies you provide us, have bought about 99% of the works cited in them, and have read many and intend to read all. BTW thanks for telling us about shilling/hryvnia.

For any of you who missed it, here it is. https://www.youtube.com/live/1Nr2Q2zGNC8

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This was a fun discussion. He says "our richest behave as if you can take it with you." Our phones are our oracles, our "go to" info sources.

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Second round of thanks Rose. This was a most interesting discussion

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Thank you

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I preordered this weeks ago! Super excited to receive it.

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In this pivotal year with multiple books on Freedom, I am proud to have released a book that is aligned with Joseph Stiglitz's “The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society” and Timothy Snyder’s “On Freedom.” We need a different social contract between us and our institutions. In "The Three Domains of Freedom," I explore the intricate layers of freedom in our lives—momentary, personal, and societal—and propose a fiduciary standard for all institutions.

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I will buy it.

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