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It's a good paper. I will not punish the good people that work on it. They are rebelling. Bezos is getting shamed more widely. I won't shoot myself in the foot and be deprived of a good news source for this. Same goes for the NYTimes also at times disappointing. But they come through. Those who cancel if in enough numbers *maybe* make a dent, but I think more harm is done this way. Bezos is getting duly slammed... and staff have left. Stay tuned.

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Oct 27Edited

Hello and thank you for your many comments here. I am hoping you are well.

Your point of view here is understandable. Not in any way am I detached from these events, and, as my comment makes clear, I am fully supportive of Prof Snyder's reminder to not "obey in advance"; others who share here that they are among those cancelling subscription and openly criticizing the Post, the Times, and so on are also making understandable choices.

My sense is that these many approaches, when made public, shared openly and widely and with the reasoning for them, provide important evidence of stern and reasoned opposition to the aspiring autocrat and the autocrats willful followers. Also all these public and explained acts of opposition influence others who want to act against the trends of submission and act in support of continued constitutional democratic government; these are real people making real choices to not become resigned to either the anti-democratic trend nor the submission and obedience in advance trends.

Resistance takes some thought and requires conscious courage. Just the demonstration of these -- independent thought and choice and courageous action in the face of very real dangers -- is immeasurably uncomfortable for both the aspiring tyrant and obedient followers. There is lots of historical evidence.

This resistance also changes the political and human landscape for people, e.g., JD Vance, who think that they are very much smarter than any of us and much much smarter than Trump, Bannon, and other Trump apologists and promoters. JD Vance and his crowd in the intellectual cadre of the conservative right community see this sort of resistance as a real problem for realizing their more elite agenda, because, while Trump is all about using the tear-down method to satisfy his narcissist needs and to acquire surrogates to do the financial plundering for him [they get a small 'cut' and ,if they are very loyal, some short-lived personal fame], JD Vance and company are watching the tear-down in order to seize the opportunities to build in their forms, instiutitonal and normative, as replacement infrastructure. Trump is their person for the 'untidy' part of the actions that, once begun and well on the way, provide the needs for the real functional repair of institutions and replacement of personnel.

Like most other opportunities in human living, the appearance of the need to act, in this case in Re these changes of editorial behavior, invite resistance. The coherence of the thinking and the courage to act on it are, for all the variety of them, what is making plain many many Americans conscious refusal to be intimidated, to be co-opted, to give up the American constitutional democratic system. This wave of many resisters, this conscientious objection and counter-action, invites others to join, and such courageous mix of forms of active resistance put the Trumps and JD Vances on notice that they may just, in time over time, not succeed. All of this resistance is observed in the mix of other forms of defense of democracy and constitutional government [really good exs are at Joyce Vance's Civil Discourse, "Is DOJ Doing Enough to Protect the Election?", Oct 24, and "Five Questions with Voting Rights Lawyer Danielle Lang", Oct 26.]

Thanks again for your comments herein. I actively look for them from you. And to everyone else in this comments session, thank you very much for your efforts. As Prof Snyder reminds us, what each of us does does matter.

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