A billionaire I once worked for - at the time, maybe only a hundreds of millions-aire - claimed to me that the environmental movement was all about control. I pushed back, I disagreed and said how would he know their motives? There's a lot of projection amongst the rich, with the objective of somehow self-justifying or concealing their own control of resources, including press.
A billionaire I once worked for - at the time, maybe only a hundreds of millions-aire - claimed to me that the environmental movement was all about control. I pushed back, I disagreed and said how would he know their motives? There's a lot of projection amongst the rich, with the objective of somehow self-justifying or concealing their own control of resources, including press.
There is a show on Apple TV in which a super-rich family runs an investment firm specializing on charities (a minor subplot, but relevant to the nature of the character played by Sasha Cohen ). The family only does that to greenwash/human rights wash their family wealth of dubious origins. It feels pretty accurate to me.
A billionaire I once worked for - at the time, maybe only a hundreds of millions-aire - claimed to me that the environmental movement was all about control. I pushed back, I disagreed and said how would he know their motives? There's a lot of projection amongst the rich, with the objective of somehow self-justifying or concealing their own control of resources, including press.
There is a show on Apple TV in which a super-rich family runs an investment firm specializing on charities (a minor subplot, but relevant to the nature of the character played by Sasha Cohen ). The family only does that to greenwash/human rights wash their family wealth of dubious origins. It feels pretty accurate to me.