So good to 'see' you Linda. I'm am grateful to you for mentioning several of WAPO's outstanding journalists, and I would add the investigative and natural science work done by the paper. It was with particular sadness about the paper's journalists and journalism in America that I absorbed the decision made by Bezos.
So good to 'see' you Linda. I'm am grateful to you for mentioning several of WAPO's outstanding journalists, and I would add the investigative and natural science work done by the paper. It was with particular sadness about the paper's journalists and journalism in America that I absorbed the decision made by Bezos.
We need a powerful campaign in the US in support of local, statewide and national 'Free-Press'. It is crucial that the people know the facts. There are various ways to get news based on journalistic principles to Americans. This needs to be a top priority. With technology, colleges and universities ... there are ways to afford the truth...where is the will!
So good to 'see' you Linda. I'm am grateful to you for mentioning several of WAPO's outstanding journalists, and I would add the investigative and natural science work done by the paper. It was with particular sadness about the paper's journalists and journalism in America that I absorbed the decision made by Bezos.
We need a powerful campaign in the US in support of local, statewide and national 'Free-Press'. It is crucial that the people know the facts. There are various ways to get news based on journalistic principles to Americans. This needs to be a top priority. With technology, colleges and universities ... there are ways to afford the truth...where is the will!