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Thank you for this, Tim. The idea that hit me the hardest was that America has never been able to formulate a coherent vision of what its future should look like. With all its wealth, know-how, and post-WWII potential there was never much this country was able to apply it all towards. And since Nature abhors a vacuum, if you don't choose, the Universe will choose for you, and you might not like it. For years, containment of communism was our red herring, draining resources and getting us further and further lost in the woods. The idea that haunts me however as the underlying blockage preventing us from living up to the name we chose: 'The United States', is racism. This disease runs so deep! It remains the proximate challenge that prevents this country from becoming the product of the Enlightenment that once seemed so natural. Without resolution of this positively existential dilemma, we can go no further. This Trumpian future is all we can limp towards

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