Professor Snyder, your 'little bit of history' helps me understand the bad faith and to understand the politics. Putln promotes the myth of eternal brotherhood as the cover for a political agenda, foremost which includes preserving his power. And who or what will stop him?

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Indeed, the light of true and honest history shining through the fog of myths!

The name 'Rus' is said to refer to 'men from Roslagen' the archipelago of Stockholm. So for myth bound rulers in Moscow, Sweden could be a legitimate target for invasion, takeover and "return to the origin". Russian foreign minister said the neutrality of Finland and Sweden now was serving peace, which is what we want to believe too. It could also be that modern wars are so destructive that seeking the battleground becomes a primary issue, and two "neutral" nations would suit both Russia and Nato.

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Tim Snyder — mmm… just THANKS. I find that your history lessons and insights are invaluable, contextualizing essays. You’re helping me read and understand the subtext of the stories and essays being generated (in English) for my American consumption… without which those reports are simply the drone of far off, important-but-truly-distant news. With them I now can see the imbedding of these stories as they relate to domestic tensions and “news” in our country’s current myths-battle.

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Agree. Will be thinking of this sentence in particular and the paragraph it introduces as the news of Ukraine's present fate unfolds: "Ukraine was the deadliest place in the world during the time when Hitler and Stalin were in power, between 1933 and 1945."

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Me too. That is the time that my father left Poland (1938) and when his relatives were killed in the fields that his grandfather owned.

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Sad and sobering.

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Professor Snyder, my head was just spinning in the first paragraphs that you wrote explaining the religious origins and land dynamics about Russia and Ukraine. History, is indeed, our only way of knowing the “whys and the wheres” these occurrences happen. Can’t say this gives me any hope but it does explain a lot. Thank you!

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