It’s when dark falls over Bucha that the witches come out, because that’s when the Russian attack drones start swarming.

The Witches of Bucha, as they call themselves, are a volunteer air defence unit made up almost entirely of women, now helping to protect Ukraine’s skies as more and more men are sent to the frontlines. 🌻 “Life has changed, all our plans have been torn apart. But I’m here to help speed up the end of this war. As our girls here say, it won’t end without us.” https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c62gx6rvv5wo 🧙

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

Hi Timothy,

The parallels you have drawn between the Nazis' rise in Germany and what is happening before the eyes of the American public and the world inspires me to draw another parallel: Between Ukraine and the Spanish Civil War.

At the risk of opening the door for propagandists (as if they needed any encouragement or help) on Putin's side, I bring this up more broadly, less in detail. To be clear, Ukraine's struggle is not a war between its own citizens of different ideologies, but one against illegal invasion of a foreign nation state.

The parallel I would make has to do with the proxies and suppliers of different global ideologies, who is supporting whom. In this, Ukraine and Spain more than rhyme in name and historically. We see clearly what strange bedfellows the Russians have aligned with, from North Korea and Iran, to China and right-wing MAGA in America.

As went Spain, so trended the tides of war in Europe and the world. The plight of the Spanish people, whose suffering under its fascist regime lasted longer than either Italy or Germany, must stand as a clarion alarm for all persons who value democracy and the rule of law within and among nations.

Thank you for all your efforts to remind us, Those who forget history have lost not only the past, but also risk losing a future.


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Took a shot of the ad and reposted on FB. More Americans need to understand that defending Ukraine is a fight for its freedom and ours. Please consider posting the ad on all social media you connect with.

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Please be sure to listen and to share. If Velensky prevails the war will end; if Putin prevails Ukraine will end.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🌻 🕊

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For those living in the NYC area- Liev Schreiber is also hosting a benefit concert for the children and youth of Ukraine:


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Ruth Windle

From here in the UK I watch and worry and am glad that you keep urging people to act and not be complicit. All my thoughts are with all Americans who value freedom and act for democracy, for Ukraine and for the sanity of the world.

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Thank you, Ruth.

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I am also wondering if I will be able to

watch this later. My family is on another zoom at the moment.

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Will this be recorded? Can we possibly pull the recording up later on You Tube?

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I hope it will be recorded I just now 9:17 pm saw this email, BTW “On Freedom” is a terrific read, I learned a lot. I’m glad I got the book because I re-read pages all the time while reading it to be sure I was following what Tim was saying, I could hardly put it down. If you haven’t read it do yourself a favor and get it, you’ll be glad you did. 🙏

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Two news items reported on Deutsche Welle last night are worth bearing in mind.

First, as also reported in this morning's Süddeutsche Zeitung is testimony by the German IC before the Bundestag that the Russians are preparing to attack NATO aat the end of the decade. We have been warned. It is urgent that we give Ukraine everything they need to defeat Russia, and now! Also that we prioritize conventional and ammunition over nuclear forces, building both stockpiles and production capacity.

Second it was reported that the US is sending a THAAD battery, manned by 95 US Army troops to Israel to help defend against a possible Iranian counterattack. Biden thus signals his willingness to put American troops in harm's way for Israel while rationing support for Ukraine.

Our priorities are wrong and our estimates concerning Ukraine continue to be mistaken. Call the White House! 202 456 1111.

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