I read that his grand father and his father were members of the mafia. His grand father started investing in brothels when he arrived in the U.S. Then it was real estate. So Trump was brought up in a family where you bought politicians with a prostitute, someone higher up with a flat (apartment). Trump lost a lot of money in the 1980s, t…
I read that his grand father and his father were members of the mafia. His grand father started investing in brothels when he arrived in the U.S. Then it was real estate. So Trump was brought up in a family where you bought politicians with a prostitute, someone higher up with a flat (apartment). Trump lost a lot of money in the 1980s, the KGB helped him out. He built the Trump Tower and the rich Russian oligarchs invested in luxury flats the money they had stolen in the USSR and later when it collapsed. Trump belongs to the American underworld (to put it nicely). Why did Americans elect such a person? Why can you elect someone without checking his past in the U.S.? Do Americans think that mafiosi are respectable people? Why do Americans tolerate Trump’s pathological lying? Why aren’t Americans frightened by his level of instability, his deep psychological problems? These are some of my numerous questions. I have lived in the U.S., but now I find it is easier to understand how the Russian society works than the American one.
I read that his grand father and his father were members of the mafia. His grand father started investing in brothels when he arrived in the U.S. Then it was real estate. So Trump was brought up in a family where you bought politicians with a prostitute, someone higher up with a flat (apartment). Trump lost a lot of money in the 1980s, the KGB helped him out. He built the Trump Tower and the rich Russian oligarchs invested in luxury flats the money they had stolen in the USSR and later when it collapsed. Trump belongs to the American underworld (to put it nicely). Why did Americans elect such a person? Why can you elect someone without checking his past in the U.S.? Do Americans think that mafiosi are respectable people? Why do Americans tolerate Trump’s pathological lying? Why aren’t Americans frightened by his level of instability, his deep psychological problems? These are some of my numerous questions. I have lived in the U.S., but now I find it is easier to understand how the Russian society works than the American one.