For almost 3 years Truman was President by succession after Roosevelt died in 1945. His first election was in 1948. His opponent was the popular ,GOP candidate, Governor of New York, Thomas Dewey. Dewey had been a prosecutor who was instrumental in seriously defanging the Mafia, by having Lucky Luciano convicted and sent to a long prison term. In short, Dewey was immensely popular, and expected to win in a landslide. Truman, on the other hand, chose to run in spite of polls showing his approval rating in the 20' I recall , Truman set out on an arduous train journey(21,900 miles) ,visiting many of the States and making many whistle stops wherein he would deliver his boilerplate political speeches from the platform of the last car in the train, not even debarking, then move on to the next stop. On election night, some newspapers ran headlines that Dewey had won, such was the certainty that Truman couldn't win. A cousin of mine lost a 50,000$ bet on Dewey winning.
See any similarity between this story and our present day certainty that Biden can't do the job, can't beat Trump? And Trump is no Dewey. Fortunately, we know what a mess he was as President. Now we know he is even worse by his own actions and declarations.
Biden has proven in his fist term to be an excellent President. Got a lot done for the health and economy of the American people especially the middle class. Of course the rich don't want his policies as he wants their wealth taxed, wants social security,nd health care, supports Ukraine vs. the psychopathic Putin war, supports Israel against middleEast terrorism, and builds international coalitions to contain totalitarianism. None of this is part of the GOP agenda nor will it be, especially under a Trump Dictatorship.
Yes Biden is 82. As he admits and we can witness, walks more stiffly,has a speech impediment, sometime is forgetful, and looks tired. But remember what he has accomplished, in spite of minimal if any cooperation from the GOP, who languish politically under the spell of a felonious sociopath.
The Presidency is not a fashion, or TrumanShow. It's real life. No President has functioned alone( read Godwin's Team of Rivals) . Their success is measured in the leadership the demonstrate and the people they pick for their team. All of Trump's better earlier team have turned away from him with not too laudatory descriptions of him as a leader. Biden on the other hand has demonstrated responsible leadership and results.
Were I in the role of Presidential advisor, I would counsel him to get some sleep ( as he said) and plan his day from now to election to expose himself as he did at the State of the Union speech, to hit the hustings( there are good planes now not by train) and give the "Speech". A repetitive litany of what and for whom he has done some excellent things. Speak slowly, and coherently( remember the movie, The Kings Speech)and push the ' message' incessantly. Stay away if you can from the ' got ya' TV talking heads who like vultures on carrion know no bounds and calculate their points on speech manipulation like prosecutors. If Harry Truman ( ultimately voted one of the ten best US Presidents) could do it, so can Joseph Biden, whom I anticipate will be in the Ten Best group by historians.
And for the American recipients of this Shabbat offering. Vote andVOTE BLUE. Encourage others to do so. Warn them of the danger to American Democracy if they vote GOP and Trump. Salvation is in the voters ballots.Our America depends on it.
This is really a soothing post after a rough week. You should send it to the White House, and submit it as something to be printed or on the website of a main stream media organization. Thank you.
Yes, definitely soothing after SCOTUS and Trump, both. I think it's a smart idea to send it to the White House and have it on their website. Everyone should be echoing this newsletter.
Harry Truman was 64 in 1948, and famously fit. Biden will be 82 this November. Do you seriously believe a daily nap and a brisk walk a la HST will restore Biden's vigor?
I agree that history will remember Biden very kindly if he steps down now. If he doesn't, Biden will be reviled forever as the president who clung to power to the ruin of our democracy.
AND Humphrey lost BECAUSE the Republicans secretly scuttled the Paris Peace Talks that would have ended the Vietnam War in 1968 — six years before Nixon pulled out.
Even the chaotic convention might not have doomed Hubert, if those talks had gone as planned. But it’s a matter of history now that the Republicans promised South Vietnam a better deal if they did not sign before the election, and they didn’t.
This column is wonderful and affords a little hope for our situation.
We all need to remain hopeful, and busy doing the work of our democracy …
The article says the agreement was not imminent, but LBJ said in his recording with Nixon that an agreement was all but signed, and suddenly the South balked — it might not have ended all hostilities in the region, but that is another issue —- I suggest the massive heating up of the war that came about in ‘68 would not be part of our history, if that agreement had not been scuttled.
In the most infamous headline, The Chicago Tribune block headline across page one declared Governor Thomas E. Dewey the winner in 1948 the night President Harry S Truman won. Harry showed it off. His picture holding the Trib headline ran nationwide.
We know the answer. He said he will be a dictator ONLY ON DAY ONE. He has a detailed plan from the Heritage Society and will sign it into law after taking his oath. America as we know it will evaporate as if a magician's wand struck us.
Yes, You are spot on and back to the point - democracy and our battle to not lose to fascism. Yes he told us his plans succinctly and emphatically. I want to know what does and will Biden stand for in his next presidency. What is he going to fight for over the next 4 years; I sure as hell hope he plans to end the overthrow of our government by the billionaire funded fascist insurgency. Mr. President, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO STOP stop a convicted fascist criminal and his regime from destroying our country and when are you going to LOUDLY/BOLDLY speak the truth of what a stochastic terrorist organization drumpf and his regime are and how much worse the life in America will get if he's drumpf is elected; itemize this giant F-ing list so that EVERYONE will understand it; put it in a pamphlet for every car repair shop, convenient store, etc. and get it distributed on all social media. How about President Biden using some of his newfound Executive Power and Privilege and demonstrating to us just how cognitively intact and well he truly is by doing anything he can to undo what the SCOTUS 6 have done and halt their taking of power over the office of our President and worst of all their usurping of our Constitution. SCOTUS 6 have just relegated our Constitution to the role (roll) of toilet paper....What are you, Mr. President going to do to get it back. Just a couple of thoughts. Again thanks Judith.for returning us to the point of here and now (yes history provides lessons but some hard hitting actions, here and now, could change the course of history as we write). President Biden - use your newly awarded powers to somehow, someway fight the fascist coup of the billionaire funders undermining our democracy and nation.
Gov. Thomas Dewey was regarded by Wall Street’s wartime power brokers as a tough Republican snob. He blew the 1948 election. No charm. Truman stunned him. He lacked sidewalk appeal. Lucky Luciano mafiosi chief was used by FDR in Fascist Italy to clear the area for our spies - which shortened his sentence at Dannemora in Clinton County where he erected a magnificent cathedral controlled by the church.
I agree, if Biden spoke slowly he would be much more understandable and have more impact because what he is saying when he talks fast is hard to process.
Bless Tim Snyder!! No historian, no academic, no university president, no politician, no leader, no teacher, no citizen of the United States or NATO - says it better than Professor Timothy Snyder. Tim is the best we have. Read On Tyranny by Tim Snyder - illustrated for students and parents -
I will purchase 100 copies of On Tyranny.. for the K-12 school that will assign the book and ask Professor Snyder to come and speak to and with the entire school.. and faculty and parents.
I couldn't agree more. I have given copies of On Tyranny both to my three daughters and many friends. It's a little gem, a powerhouse. It's all there, what we need to know. I am grateful for Dr. Snyder more than I can say.
My reluctance to dump Biden is not founded on loyalty. It instead rests on two points. First, I want more than one data point to decide that Biden is in terminal decline rather than just the slowing down of old age. Second, the alternative carries many unknowns that one cannot just glibly wave away. Will Kamala be that much more popular in a society that is still fairly racist and misogynist? Do people really think that the Rs don't have their attack lines ready? Can she really be shoved aside for someone even less proven in a national campaign? And without a clear alternative that stands above the rest, won't there be a food fight at the convention? When Reagan had a bad first debate against Mondale, I can't really remember but I suspect the Republicans doubled down on supporting him rather than generating a bunch of noise about replacing him. (And Reagan was already in the early stages of his Alzheimer's...)
I am elderly so I speak from experience, Anyone in their 80s is in terminal decline. The decline can be slow and pick up speed unexpectedly. There is probably an average actuaries know. I think it was hubris for Biden to run again. Our country is full of brilliant people who could do the job. No one is indispensable. We need term and age limits. Ruth Bader Ginsburg stayed too long and I think our House and Senate includes too many folks who are staying too long. I will not vote for a Republican (maybe never again in what is left of my life) so my vote can be counted on but I think Democrats need to offer younger voters a future.
Thank you, Dr Snyder. Always a comfort to see your analysis.
Ms Spicuzza, I largely agree with your opinion. I too am old; indeed soon I will be 80. Actually, everyone is in terminal decline. One might be chipper and able to run up the Air Force 1 stairs two by two, but there's no guarantee any of us have a tomorrow. I still have the trauma of losing President Kennedy, and he was only in his 40s. I wish we had leaned in to younger candidates for this race - but we didn't, and the consequences are too terrifying to consider switching candidates and then losing in November. As I read in a comment elsewhere today, I will vote for Biden even if he is on life support.
For the elites who are pushing this "change out Biden" conversation, it may be all round the watering hole fun and games for you if you live in Washington DC, or New York, or California. Not much will change for you in a Trump Coup #2. For those of us in smaller, redder, purpler states, we are already living with deeply restrictive abortion bans, voting restrictions, "where's your papers" laws aimed at immigrants, anti-history bans in schools, banning of books. These are not theoretical imaginings; we live with them already. Believe you me, you don't want this atmosphere country wide. Vote Blue and then demand our elected representatives remain accountable for preserving the norms and practices of a citizen-led government.
Thank you, Helen! Believe me, I will vote Democrat no matter who is on the ticket. If it is Biden, so be it. I will still vote Democrat. I am worried about the younger voters though.
I agree. Also, a President (or, a smart, good one, anyway) is the lead person on a competent team of advisors, and we've been able to trust Biden to surround himself with good, informed advisors. People are acting as though, should Biden have a tired, off day, everything would go straight to hell in a handtruck. This is not the case. The past 3.5 years has shown us that.
It is thought by many of us that RBG stayed on in the hope of outliving Trump's presidency - which she almost did. I for one admire her even more for that.
While I agree that it would be nice to have more younger people involved, I don't think that there exists some magic age at which incompetence automatically ensues. That said, I strongly favor term limits for all judicial appointees because it provides the only practical method for correcting mistakes.
RBG was in remission of cancer which then returned. Biden is in the throes of some yet unnamed physically limiting illness which could possibly be simple aging. People show age differently, some 90 years old are more vigorous and robust than Biden. He MAY have the mental capacity to last 4 1/2 years more, he has a vision and a team but he clearly does NOT have the charisma, clarity of speech, or vigor to attract young people, to keep disaffected voters and to attract new voters. Time to believe the data not his personal instinct that he is the only person who can beat Trump. Increasingly that is becoming an oxymoron. UGH
My paternal grandfather lived to 96. My maternal grandmother lived to 98.. they lived clean of all the bad stuff. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, obesity, excessive salt, illegal drugs, get vaccinated for everything that matters … walk a lot, sleep a lot, and drink good clean well water with no chlorine.
Here, here! I am 78. Joe Biden will be 82 in November. If Biden drops out now, history will treat him kindly. If not the brutality of history's judgment will make Biden's present bad press look like adoration.
If Democrats or Biden decide he is done, and the DNC pushes Harris a side for “Better Candidate, “ who maybe a white one, the Dems will lose, because they will lose all of their black support for doing that to Harris. If Biden steps aside or the DNC tells him he must go, Harris will be the one. But, do I think she can beat Trump in the general election, she will devour Trump in a debate, even though Obama won twice, which has had a hand in leading us to this nightmare we cannot shake. I just think a lot of people will not vote her, or will not vote, which will hand the win to Trump, and that will be the end of this Democracy. Wether anyone likes it or not, Biden has really put this country in sure enough danger with his debate performance, wether it was a one off, or something more, Biden cannot have another bad performance from now to the election, none as in zero. The stakes are to GD high. I have the same feeling I had when Hillary lost, now times that by a million and that may be just scratching the surface of the dread I have about all of this!
And in hindsight and with what we know about dementia, maybe some would have called out Reagan's mental decline. But Biden's now TWO performances, the disastrous debate and the "meh" interview with Stephanopoulus are two data points in a previously hidden display of Biden's ability to be sharp, vigorous, charismatic and winning. He is simply not a good candidate to win this election, regardless if in his 10-4 schedule with lots of sleep, he could actually do the work of the presidency through Jan 6th, 2029.
The author Lee H, wrote "First, I want more than one data point to decide that Biden is in terminal decline rather than just the slowing down of old age. "
Disastrous debate is Data Point 1.
"meh" interview w/ Stephanopoulus is Data Point 2.
I just saw a 4-minute series of Kamala Harris using the same phrase in many different speeches. I thought she looked great. Then I noticed the little elephant. It was a Republican ad to discredit her. (As if Trump doesn’t say the same things in every circumstance.)
I subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer because I appreciate the courageous practice of journalism in the face of real threats to their business, their staff, and to democracy. I also pay for a subscription to my local newspaper, The Post Standard, to keep informed of local politics and issues. Without a dedicated 4th Estate democracy cannot thrive.
I listen to other points of view though I am disappointed by the hand ringing, whining, and blatant disrespect for elders. I understand that politicians have a responsibility to make way for the next generation of leaders. In a time of great crisis too much change too soon is as much a factor to consider as aging leadership. When you see all Biden has accomplished in the last three and a half years, no wonder he’s tired. He came out of retirement to restore our nation after it was despoiled by marauders. He knew what to do. And he hired good people to get things done.
And, it's not just that -- it's the blatant disregard for the Trump flaws. As noted by both Professor Snyder and Heather Cox Richardson, there have been plenty of times when the media should have at least noted the Trump errors, and mistakes, and problems including previous to his presidency, during and after. The moneyed forces seem to be dictating the media preferences, completely missing the fact that money will mean nothing compared to the power Trump will seek to wield, one way or another. They are not only enabling the destruction of this democratic republic, but setting themselves up for the kind of lives led by media in other dictatorships -- beware of windows in high places....
Absolutely right! And if this backfires and Trump comes close to getting elected, we should have a trial for the irresponsible way the media have been handling this!
Barry, I would respectfully decline to put journalists on trial. That is what Putin is doing right now in Russia to a WSJ reporter.
The piece this weekend by Olivia Nuzzi in New York magazine suggests something I've suspected since the debate coverage began: Journalists may have known a lot more about Pres. Biden's condition than they have been able to (off-the-record communications with sources) or willing to (risk of loss of access to sources) report. Once Biden himself lifted the veil, more details--and the growing alarm behind the scenes--could come out. If that is the case, the media certainly deserve a lot of criticism.
Susanna, I follow Tim and Ruth and yes, so much sanity there. What actually is getting me not only off the floor, but occasionally cheerful, is direct political activism. Today I went to a rally for reproductive rights and gave out little slips of paper with info on how people can win Democratic votes in battleground races. I even put my name, email, and phone number on it. (anyone can contact me -- I have time for this). It definitely shifted my energy.
There are so many things people can do in addition to being informed.
I agree with you. I don't live in Arizona but for a few months in the winter. Nevertheless, I joined The League of Women Voters and went to meetings while I was there. We took signatures for Pro-choice and women's health care. I heard from my friend the other day that when the petition was submitted, there was an overwhelming number of signatures to get the petition on the ballot. I'm also writing postcards for Activate America and letters for I also follow Tim and Ruth, (who is so calm, soothing, and strong, especially during her weekly zoom meetings, where we all get a chance to pose questions or comments). I also subscribe to Joyce Vance, who helps navigate the legal challenges, and Heather Cox Richardson for historical context. All of these important voices bring something important to the table. I'm grateful to all of them.
Yes, and there's Meidas Touch Network, on Youtube and also a website. Very fast-growing, independent news org. They're doing excellent, very dynamic, fact-based, data-based coverage.
Yes, all of them are great. Also love everyone on the Bulwark and Lawfare, the latter for the nerdy detail on Trump trials (though those are all but dead thanks to .... well, I don't have to tell you). It is really up to us now.
I paid no attention to politics before 2017 when I started following Tim. Now I know more about politics than I ever thought I would, and it has brought me great pain and/or pleasure depending on the day.
I have been suggesting to my friends and colleagues (who live all over the country) that they contact their Democratic officeholders and the Democrats running for office in their state/district and say that they are only donating to candidates who publicly support Biden-Harris. Several have already taken me up on it. :-)
Good people, including many who have great admiration for Joe Biden, have conflicting opinions on this issue, and we will probably see many twists and turns before it is resolved. What I take from Tim's piece is that the ability to have robust debate without fear is one of the very things we are trying to protect. While frustrated that no one in Washington D.C. has called to ask for my opinion on the topic, I did some math and decided that Joe staying or Joe going is not something that optimizes my investment of time and energy, no matter how much I suffer contemplating alternatives and regardless of how diligent or creative my actions might be on that front. Nothing I do to influence who runs against Trump is likely to save the country. The churn among Democrats and others opposing fascist political candidates will demand a lot of attention until a candidate is finalized. -- though, obviously, some people must engage in the churning. In the meantime, there is work to be done that I CAN do, knowing that it will increase Democratic votes where they count, in the presidential and down-ballot races, regardless of who runs against Trump in November. I admire your activism, Susanna -- just sharing where I ended up on this currently very painful issue.
Exactly, Laura! Support the institutions! Don't surrender early! Keep your energies positive so that you can fight the good fight -- you're not alone -- you're not even outnumbered. We The People can keep our democratic republic, Mr. Franklin.
Love it, Roxanna. It is essential not to let the Biden/not Biden issue sideline us from giving practical support now to anyone opposing (or who may oppose) fascist candidates. Not knowing exactly who they will be in all cases should not slow us down. This problem combined with the SCOTUS obscenity is all the more reason.
My energy isn't always positive, trust me, but taking action really helps me, maybe 85% of the time:)
I struggle to be positive ALL the time, but then remember what my family had to go through during WWI and WWII in Ukraine, what they're going through now -- what they've gone through for so long because some people don't like democracy in any form, don't like sharing powers and resources and ideas and because those people quickly resort to violence as their enforcement. My family lost family members, lost friends and neighbors, classmates, livelihoods -- but they stayed, my dad and his family only leaving when Ukraine was relegated to the control of the Russian-dominated Soviet Union in yet another partitioning of their land and their lives. But my family continued and continue to support Ukraine -- we will never surrender. 🇺🇦Ще не вмерла Україна!🇺🇦
Roxanna, життя переможе смерть, а світ – темряву. Слава Україні! Thank you for writing everything you did. You show tremendous spirit under adversity, and a big problem in the U.S. now is that many haven't experienced or paid attention to historical and current events that would clarify the stakes of failure to act responsibly.
At least half of my motivation for doing everything I can in American politics is to defend Ukraine, and by extension, as Tim always makes clear, the entire free world.
Agreed. Why is no one asking Trump about cognitive decline? They asked a question about fentanyl, and he started talking about how much Putin and Kim Jung Un respect him (Biden answered the question by the way).
American presidential elections are all about perceptions, not facts. They should not be, but they are. Trump should not be running, but he is. The polls should not favor Trump by wide margins, but they do. Democrats (and democrats) must play the game as it is, not as it should be... unless, of course, they'd rather be right and lose our democracy.
I don't think the polls are favoring Trump by wide margins. Many of these polls tend to skew old and white, a demographic that leans disproportionately conservative. Additionally, their sample sizes of young and minority voters are often very small, leading to flawed extrapolations to the wider population. The poll with the largest random sample size is Morning Consult, which had Biden up by 1 after the debate. Before the debate, it was even.
It's important to note that polls and debate performances are notoriously poor predictors of election outcomes. For example, Hillary Clinton led in most polls but lost the election. Similarly, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton were considered to have won their debates by large margins, but both lost their elections. Conversely, Barack Obama lost his first debate against Mitt Romney, yet he won the election.
Thank you! So many people can’t fathom this in America. The media continues on this path to try and save themselves, when in reality, we’ll all feel the impact of their choices. I’m so scared. 😢😢😢
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for pointing out how FEAR is controlling the process so far... and MUST be overcome if the two election campaigns are to be covered equally! Trump MUST receive the critical coverage from the mainstream media that this critical time in American history demands! The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves, as they watch the reason they put Freedom of the Press in the Constitution - so that the Press would help protect the nation from fascism - ignored by a journalism industry either afraid to get on Trump's bad side or enjoying the money they make from trashing Biden or both.
MSM is NOT missing the point, it is broadcasting loud and clear what Americans FINALLY could see and hear with their own eyes, Biden's failing physicality. "One bad night" is not an acceptable excuse for his debate performance, "not enough sleep" is not an appropriate prescription for the leader of the entire free world, and "I don't know" when asked by Stephanopoulus if Biden watched a re-run of his debate does not indicate a desire to learn for the future.
OF COURSE Trump is horrible and OF COURSE the media should call for his removal at the top of the R. ticket. However reality is that the R. party is now the party of Trump, soon it will be called The Trump Party (just wait for it....).
Let history and the good results of Biden's term speak for itself. At the moment, almost anyone on the top of the D ticket is an improvement of odds against Trump and his promise of fascism. Biden's chances can only slide downwards as time passes and he fails to impress, another candidate's can only fly upwards.
I subscribe to the Washington Post and started taking pictures of the front page starting July 4. Every day since then, all about Biden's decline, nothing on Trump. They are not only missing the point, they are padding the win for the other side, democracy be damned. Biden does not have to be a superstar or impress me. I trust his accumulated knowledge.
I'm with you, Susan. I am disgusted both by the Washington Post and The New York Times. It reminds me of Clinton running against Trump and all the articles about her being "feeble" while giving Trump headlines every single day, and perhaps a small blip about Clinton on page 6. Thanks but no thanks. This is true now, also, little about Biden's accomplishments but that he is feeble. I can see he is moving more slowly and gingerly. Still, he has been the best president in my lifetime and I plan on voting for him again. And voting a straight Blue ticket.
This is a profoundly important essay. It made clear for me issues that I could not quite grasp.
Why the media is failing to hold both candidates to the same standard? Why no condemnation of Trump on the basis of felonies, impeachments, etc. Why are they failing to report on Trump's connection to Jeffery Epstein? You know the list.
This essay should be broadly circulated. Would you be willing to send it to the NY Times, Washington Post, or others? It would be telling if they failed to publish it.
Thank you Thank you Thank you. I wrote my Congresswoman and Hakeem Jeffries this morning - you supported Mike Johnson (against my previously shared opinion). Shameful. Stand up and Speak Out for President Biden now and for re-election. Professor Snyder that you for this post. I have felt like I was drifting on the water alone on a piece of drift wood.
I appreciate your calm and direct tone. There is enough hype and hysteria to go around. We need to formulate a plan for those who value freedom over dominion.
For almost 3 years Truman was President by succession after Roosevelt died in 1945. His first election was in 1948. His opponent was the popular ,GOP candidate, Governor of New York, Thomas Dewey. Dewey had been a prosecutor who was instrumental in seriously defanging the Mafia, by having Lucky Luciano convicted and sent to a long prison term. In short, Dewey was immensely popular, and expected to win in a landslide. Truman, on the other hand, chose to run in spite of polls showing his approval rating in the 20' I recall , Truman set out on an arduous train journey(21,900 miles) ,visiting many of the States and making many whistle stops wherein he would deliver his boilerplate political speeches from the platform of the last car in the train, not even debarking, then move on to the next stop. On election night, some newspapers ran headlines that Dewey had won, such was the certainty that Truman couldn't win. A cousin of mine lost a 50,000$ bet on Dewey winning.
See any similarity between this story and our present day certainty that Biden can't do the job, can't beat Trump? And Trump is no Dewey. Fortunately, we know what a mess he was as President. Now we know he is even worse by his own actions and declarations.
Biden has proven in his fist term to be an excellent President. Got a lot done for the health and economy of the American people especially the middle class. Of course the rich don't want his policies as he wants their wealth taxed, wants social security,nd health care, supports Ukraine vs. the psychopathic Putin war, supports Israel against middleEast terrorism, and builds international coalitions to contain totalitarianism. None of this is part of the GOP agenda nor will it be, especially under a Trump Dictatorship.
Yes Biden is 82. As he admits and we can witness, walks more stiffly,has a speech impediment, sometime is forgetful, and looks tired. But remember what he has accomplished, in spite of minimal if any cooperation from the GOP, who languish politically under the spell of a felonious sociopath.
The Presidency is not a fashion, or TrumanShow. It's real life. No President has functioned alone( read Godwin's Team of Rivals) . Their success is measured in the leadership the demonstrate and the people they pick for their team. All of Trump's better earlier team have turned away from him with not too laudatory descriptions of him as a leader. Biden on the other hand has demonstrated responsible leadership and results.
Were I in the role of Presidential advisor, I would counsel him to get some sleep ( as he said) and plan his day from now to election to expose himself as he did at the State of the Union speech, to hit the hustings( there are good planes now not by train) and give the "Speech". A repetitive litany of what and for whom he has done some excellent things. Speak slowly, and coherently( remember the movie, The Kings Speech)and push the ' message' incessantly. Stay away if you can from the ' got ya' TV talking heads who like vultures on carrion know no bounds and calculate their points on speech manipulation like prosecutors. If Harry Truman ( ultimately voted one of the ten best US Presidents) could do it, so can Joseph Biden, whom I anticipate will be in the Ten Best group by historians.
And for the American recipients of this Shabbat offering. Vote andVOTE BLUE. Encourage others to do so. Warn them of the danger to American Democracy if they vote GOP and Trump. Salvation is in the voters ballots.Our America depends on it.
President Biden is healthy, sharp and elderly. His values are trusted, well known, and clear. His deep
devotion is clear. Is Trump — any of these things? Yes! Trump is elderly.
Send it.
This is really a soothing post after a rough week. You should send it to the White House, and submit it as something to be printed or on the website of a main stream media organization. Thank you.
Yes, definitely soothing after SCOTUS and Trump, both. I think it's a smart idea to send it to the White House and have it on their website. Everyone should be echoing this newsletter.
Please send it.
Send it.
Howard Tannenbaum MD, FRCS (C), President Joseph Biden is 81, not 82. He’s sharp and wise.
I am 85.
Ah, yes, but 81 is "almost" 82. But I agree, it's important to be accurate.
Also, Trump has Alzheimer's in his family and is grossly obese, while Biden is neither of the foregoing.
As for me, I'm "almost" 81.
Alzheimer’s? Dementia?
Clinical insanity?
How about -
Pavlovian psychotic inability to tell the truth, ever?
How about terminal clinical psychosis mania and suicidal depravity, clinical manic depression & debilitating dysfunction…
Beautifully said, and the Truman comparison is apt. Thank you for your words.
Harry Truman was 64 in 1948, and famously fit. Biden will be 82 this November. Do you seriously believe a daily nap and a brisk walk a la HST will restore Biden's vigor?
I agree that history will remember Biden very kindly if he steps down now. If he doesn't, Biden will be reviled forever as the president who clung to power to the ruin of our democracy.
Wonderful comment! I hear so much about LBJ quitting and Humphrey then losing. But I’m seeing nothing about Truman beating Dewey!
AND Humphrey lost BECAUSE the Republicans secretly scuttled the Paris Peace Talks that would have ended the Vietnam War in 1968 — six years before Nixon pulled out.
Even the chaotic convention might not have doomed Hubert, if those talks had gone as planned. But it’s a matter of history now that the Republicans promised South Vietnam a better deal if they did not sign before the election, and they didn’t.
This column is wonderful and affords a little hope for our situation.
We all need to remain hopeful, and busy doing the work of our democracy …
Anna Chennault.
The article says the agreement was not imminent, but LBJ said in his recording with Nixon that an agreement was all but signed, and suddenly the South balked — it might not have ended all hostilities in the region, but that is another issue —- I suggest the massive heating up of the war that came about in ‘68 would not be part of our history, if that agreement had not been scuttled.
In the most infamous headline, The Chicago Tribune block headline across page one declared Governor Thomas E. Dewey the winner in 1948 the night President Harry S Truman won. Harry showed it off. His picture holding the Trib headline ran nationwide.
We know the answer. He said he will be a dictator ONLY ON DAY ONE. He has a detailed plan from the Heritage Society and will sign it into law after taking his oath. America as we know it will evaporate as if a magician's wand struck us.
Judith Fernandez, Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii
Yes, You are spot on and back to the point - democracy and our battle to not lose to fascism. Yes he told us his plans succinctly and emphatically. I want to know what does and will Biden stand for in his next presidency. What is he going to fight for over the next 4 years; I sure as hell hope he plans to end the overthrow of our government by the billionaire funded fascist insurgency. Mr. President, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO STOP stop a convicted fascist criminal and his regime from destroying our country and when are you going to LOUDLY/BOLDLY speak the truth of what a stochastic terrorist organization drumpf and his regime are and how much worse the life in America will get if he's drumpf is elected; itemize this giant F-ing list so that EVERYONE will understand it; put it in a pamphlet for every car repair shop, convenient store, etc. and get it distributed on all social media. How about President Biden using some of his newfound Executive Power and Privilege and demonstrating to us just how cognitively intact and well he truly is by doing anything he can to undo what the SCOTUS 6 have done and halt their taking of power over the office of our President and worst of all their usurping of our Constitution. SCOTUS 6 have just relegated our Constitution to the role (roll) of toilet paper....What are you, Mr. President going to do to get it back. Just a couple of thoughts. Again thanks Judith.for returning us to the point of here and now (yes history provides lessons but some hard hitting actions, here and now, could change the course of history as we write). President Biden - use your newly awarded powers to somehow, someway fight the fascist coup of the billionaire funders undermining our democracy and nation.
Amen! And Amen! This is the history lesson, along with that of Professor Snyder, we need to heed today.
Gov. Thomas Dewey was regarded by Wall Street’s wartime power brokers as a tough Republican snob. He blew the 1948 election. No charm. Truman stunned him. He lacked sidewalk appeal. Lucky Luciano mafiosi chief was used by FDR in Fascist Italy to clear the area for our spies - which shortened his sentence at Dannemora in Clinton County where he erected a magnificent cathedral controlled by the church.
I agree, if Biden spoke slowly he would be much more understandable and have more impact because what he is saying when he talks fast is hard to process.
Um, HST ran in 1948 and was sworn in in 1949.
Bless Tim Snyder!! No historian, no academic, no university president, no politician, no leader, no teacher, no citizen of the United States or NATO - says it better than Professor Timothy Snyder. Tim is the best we have. Read On Tyranny by Tim Snyder - illustrated for students and parents -
I will purchase 100 copies of On Tyranny.. for the K-12 school that will assign the book and ask Professor Snyder to come and speak to and with the entire school.. and faculty and parents.
Thanks Sandy, you turned me on to Snyder 2 or 3 years ago in Heather's comments.
Yes. We’ve spoken. Tim is tops.
I couldn't agree more. I have given copies of On Tyranny both to my three daughters and many friends. It's a little gem, a powerhouse. It's all there, what we need to know. I am grateful for Dr. Snyder more than I can say.
Priceless book.
I wished there were more people like you God bless you and all other people who don't take democracy for granted.
No pasaran.
The Right. Will probably ban his book in schools if you do that…lol.
There are reports that Facebook is disallowing posts about project 2025.
Perhaps I will post one and see what happens.
I posted the BBC overview of Project 2025 on FB. A reliable, neutral source so we’ll see what happens.
Thank you, John!
Where do you live, S.B.? You sound like a top-tier fan club member.
Alergic to clubs. All seem to thrive on exclusivity. The need to feel superior: latent blind fascism.
My reluctance to dump Biden is not founded on loyalty. It instead rests on two points. First, I want more than one data point to decide that Biden is in terminal decline rather than just the slowing down of old age. Second, the alternative carries many unknowns that one cannot just glibly wave away. Will Kamala be that much more popular in a society that is still fairly racist and misogynist? Do people really think that the Rs don't have their attack lines ready? Can she really be shoved aside for someone even less proven in a national campaign? And without a clear alternative that stands above the rest, won't there be a food fight at the convention? When Reagan had a bad first debate against Mondale, I can't really remember but I suspect the Republicans doubled down on supporting him rather than generating a bunch of noise about replacing him. (And Reagan was already in the early stages of his Alzheimer's...)
I am elderly so I speak from experience, Anyone in their 80s is in terminal decline. The decline can be slow and pick up speed unexpectedly. There is probably an average actuaries know. I think it was hubris for Biden to run again. Our country is full of brilliant people who could do the job. No one is indispensable. We need term and age limits. Ruth Bader Ginsburg stayed too long and I think our House and Senate includes too many folks who are staying too long. I will not vote for a Republican (maybe never again in what is left of my life) so my vote can be counted on but I think Democrats need to offer younger voters a future.
Thank you, Dr Snyder. Always a comfort to see your analysis.
Ms Spicuzza, I largely agree with your opinion. I too am old; indeed soon I will be 80. Actually, everyone is in terminal decline. One might be chipper and able to run up the Air Force 1 stairs two by two, but there's no guarantee any of us have a tomorrow. I still have the trauma of losing President Kennedy, and he was only in his 40s. I wish we had leaned in to younger candidates for this race - but we didn't, and the consequences are too terrifying to consider switching candidates and then losing in November. As I read in a comment elsewhere today, I will vote for Biden even if he is on life support.
For the elites who are pushing this "change out Biden" conversation, it may be all round the watering hole fun and games for you if you live in Washington DC, or New York, or California. Not much will change for you in a Trump Coup #2. For those of us in smaller, redder, purpler states, we are already living with deeply restrictive abortion bans, voting restrictions, "where's your papers" laws aimed at immigrants, anti-history bans in schools, banning of books. These are not theoretical imaginings; we live with them already. Believe you me, you don't want this atmosphere country wide. Vote Blue and then demand our elected representatives remain accountable for preserving the norms and practices of a citizen-led government.
Thank you, Helen! Believe me, I will vote Democrat no matter who is on the ticket. If it is Biden, so be it. I will still vote Democrat. I am worried about the younger voters though.
Agree! Agree! With warm regards to you.
President Biden is healthy, sharp and elderly. His values are trusted, well known, and clear. His deep
devotions are clear. Is Trump — any of these things? Yes! Trump is elderly.
I agree. Also, a President (or, a smart, good one, anyway) is the lead person on a competent team of advisors, and we've been able to trust Biden to surround himself with good, informed advisors. People are acting as though, should Biden have a tired, off day, everything would go straight to hell in a handtruck. This is not the case. The past 3.5 years has shown us that.
It is thought by many of us that RBG stayed on in the hope of outliving Trump's presidency - which she almost did. I for one admire her even more for that.
While I agree that it would be nice to have more younger people involved, I don't think that there exists some magic age at which incompetence automatically ensues. That said, I strongly favor term limits for all judicial appointees because it provides the only practical method for correcting mistakes.
RBG was in remission of cancer which then returned. Biden is in the throes of some yet unnamed physically limiting illness which could possibly be simple aging. People show age differently, some 90 years old are more vigorous and robust than Biden. He MAY have the mental capacity to last 4 1/2 years more, he has a vision and a team but he clearly does NOT have the charisma, clarity of speech, or vigor to attract young people, to keep disaffected voters and to attract new voters. Time to believe the data not his personal instinct that he is the only person who can beat Trump. Increasingly that is becoming an oxymoron. UGH
My paternal grandfather lived to 96. My maternal grandmother lived to 98.. they lived clean of all the bad stuff. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, obesity, excessive salt, illegal drugs, get vaccinated for everything that matters … walk a lot, sleep a lot, and drink good clean well water with no chlorine.
Here, here! I am 78. Joe Biden will be 82 in November. If Biden drops out now, history will treat him kindly. If not the brutality of history's judgment will make Biden's present bad press look like adoration.
Biden will run AND win. Care to bet? Name your odds and let’s roll.
If Democrats or Biden decide he is done, and the DNC pushes Harris a side for “Better Candidate, “ who maybe a white one, the Dems will lose, because they will lose all of their black support for doing that to Harris. If Biden steps aside or the DNC tells him he must go, Harris will be the one. But, do I think she can beat Trump in the general election, she will devour Trump in a debate, even though Obama won twice, which has had a hand in leading us to this nightmare we cannot shake. I just think a lot of people will not vote her, or will not vote, which will hand the win to Trump, and that will be the end of this Democracy. Wether anyone likes it or not, Biden has really put this country in sure enough danger with his debate performance, wether it was a one off, or something more, Biden cannot have another bad performance from now to the election, none as in zero. The stakes are to GD high. I have the same feeling I had when Hillary lost, now times that by a million and that may be just scratching the surface of the dread I have about all of this!
And in hindsight and with what we know about dementia, maybe some would have called out Reagan's mental decline. But Biden's now TWO performances, the disastrous debate and the "meh" interview with Stephanopoulus are two data points in a previously hidden display of Biden's ability to be sharp, vigorous, charismatic and winning. He is simply not a good candidate to win this election, regardless if in his 10-4 schedule with lots of sleep, he could actually do the work of the presidency through Jan 6th, 2029.
So "meh" = disastrous debate? I'm not worried about 2029. I'm worried about 2025.
The author Lee H, wrote "First, I want more than one data point to decide that Biden is in terminal decline rather than just the slowing down of old age. "
Disastrous debate is Data Point 1.
"meh" interview w/ Stephanopoulus is Data Point 2.
I just saw a 4-minute series of Kamala Harris using the same phrase in many different speeches. I thought she looked great. Then I noticed the little elephant. It was a Republican ad to discredit her. (As if Trump doesn’t say the same things in every circumstance.)
I subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer because I appreciate the courageous practice of journalism in the face of real threats to their business, their staff, and to democracy. I also pay for a subscription to my local newspaper, The Post Standard, to keep informed of local politics and issues. Without a dedicated 4th Estate democracy cannot thrive.
I listen to other points of view though I am disappointed by the hand ringing, whining, and blatant disrespect for elders. I understand that politicians have a responsibility to make way for the next generation of leaders. In a time of great crisis too much change too soon is as much a factor to consider as aging leadership. When you see all Biden has accomplished in the last three and a half years, no wonder he’s tired. He came out of retirement to restore our nation after it was despoiled by marauders. He knew what to do. And he hired good people to get things done.
And, it's not just that -- it's the blatant disregard for the Trump flaws. As noted by both Professor Snyder and Heather Cox Richardson, there have been plenty of times when the media should have at least noted the Trump errors, and mistakes, and problems including previous to his presidency, during and after. The moneyed forces seem to be dictating the media preferences, completely missing the fact that money will mean nothing compared to the power Trump will seek to wield, one way or another. They are not only enabling the destruction of this democratic republic, but setting themselves up for the kind of lives led by media in other dictatorships -- beware of windows in high places....
1000 million % YES. What a relief to read this.
Absolutely right! And if this backfires and Trump comes close to getting elected, we should have a trial for the irresponsible way the media have been handling this!
Barry, I would respectfully decline to put journalists on trial. That is what Putin is doing right now in Russia to a WSJ reporter.
The piece this weekend by Olivia Nuzzi in New York magazine suggests something I've suspected since the debate coverage began: Journalists may have known a lot more about Pres. Biden's condition than they have been able to (off-the-record communications with sources) or willing to (risk of loss of access to sources) report. Once Biden himself lifted the veil, more details--and the growing alarm behind the scenes--could come out. If that is the case, the media certainly deserve a lot of criticism.
I like your attitude; I would suggest that there should be a balance, as there was before Reagan changed the rules on behalf of Murdoch...
Without you and Ruth Ben-Ghiat I would either be a puddle on the floor or a Fury on the barricades.
Susanna, I follow Tim and Ruth and yes, so much sanity there. What actually is getting me not only off the floor, but occasionally cheerful, is direct political activism. Today I went to a rally for reproductive rights and gave out little slips of paper with info on how people can win Democratic votes in battleground races. I even put my name, email, and phone number on it. (anyone can contact me -- I have time for this). It definitely shifted my energy.
There are so many things people can do in addition to being informed.
I agree with you. I don't live in Arizona but for a few months in the winter. Nevertheless, I joined The League of Women Voters and went to meetings while I was there. We took signatures for Pro-choice and women's health care. I heard from my friend the other day that when the petition was submitted, there was an overwhelming number of signatures to get the petition on the ballot. I'm also writing postcards for Activate America and letters for I also follow Tim and Ruth, (who is so calm, soothing, and strong, especially during her weekly zoom meetings, where we all get a chance to pose questions or comments). I also subscribe to Joyce Vance, who helps navigate the legal challenges, and Heather Cox Richardson for historical context. All of these important voices bring something important to the table. I'm grateful to all of them.
This is just a sample of Meidas Touch. This is basically a short video covering a story that got scant if any coverage by msm.
Today they aired a new interview with Judge Luttig on the disastrous immunity ruling.
They've done quite a few even longer interviews with the Judge over the past year.
Yes, and there's Meidas Touch Network, on Youtube and also a website. Very fast-growing, independent news org. They're doing excellent, very dynamic, fact-based, data-based coverage.
Yes, all of them are great. Also love everyone on the Bulwark and Lawfare, the latter for the nerdy detail on Trump trials (though those are all but dead thanks to .... well, I don't have to tell you). It is really up to us now.
I paid no attention to politics before 2017 when I started following Tim. Now I know more about politics than I ever thought I would, and it has brought me great pain and/or pleasure depending on the day.
Lucian Truscott has an encouraging piece that you should read. I wasn't able to "restack" it😕💙❣️🇺🇸
I have been suggesting to my friends and colleagues (who live all over the country) that they contact their Democratic officeholders and the Democrats running for office in their state/district and say that they are only donating to candidates who publicly support Biden-Harris. Several have already taken me up on it. :-)
Good people, including many who have great admiration for Joe Biden, have conflicting opinions on this issue, and we will probably see many twists and turns before it is resolved. What I take from Tim's piece is that the ability to have robust debate without fear is one of the very things we are trying to protect. While frustrated that no one in Washington D.C. has called to ask for my opinion on the topic, I did some math and decided that Joe staying or Joe going is not something that optimizes my investment of time and energy, no matter how much I suffer contemplating alternatives and regardless of how diligent or creative my actions might be on that front. Nothing I do to influence who runs against Trump is likely to save the country. The churn among Democrats and others opposing fascist political candidates will demand a lot of attention until a candidate is finalized. -- though, obviously, some people must engage in the churning. In the meantime, there is work to be done that I CAN do, knowing that it will increase Democratic votes where they count, in the presidential and down-ballot races, regardless of who runs against Trump in November. I admire your activism, Susanna -- just sharing where I ended up on this currently very painful issue.
Exactly, Laura! Support the institutions! Don't surrender early! Keep your energies positive so that you can fight the good fight -- you're not alone -- you're not even outnumbered. We The People can keep our democratic republic, Mr. Franklin.
Love it, Roxanna. It is essential not to let the Biden/not Biden issue sideline us from giving practical support now to anyone opposing (or who may oppose) fascist candidates. Not knowing exactly who they will be in all cases should not slow us down. This problem combined with the SCOTUS obscenity is all the more reason.
My energy isn't always positive, trust me, but taking action really helps me, maybe 85% of the time:)
I struggle to be positive ALL the time, but then remember what my family had to go through during WWI and WWII in Ukraine, what they're going through now -- what they've gone through for so long because some people don't like democracy in any form, don't like sharing powers and resources and ideas and because those people quickly resort to violence as their enforcement. My family lost family members, lost friends and neighbors, classmates, livelihoods -- but they stayed, my dad and his family only leaving when Ukraine was relegated to the control of the Russian-dominated Soviet Union in yet another partitioning of their land and their lives. But my family continued and continue to support Ukraine -- we will never surrender. 🇺🇦Ще не вмерла Україна!🇺🇦
Roxanna, життя переможе смерть, а світ – темряву. Слава Україні! Thank you for writing everything you did. You show tremendous spirit under adversity, and a big problem in the U.S. now is that many haven't experienced or paid attention to historical and current events that would clarify the stakes of failure to act responsibly.
I support Ukraine regularly through United 24, Tim's Safe Skies fund ( and RAZOM ( though there are many superb ways to help.
At least half of my motivation for doing everything I can in American politics is to defend Ukraine, and by extension, as Tim always makes clear, the entire free world.
Agreed. Why is no one asking Trump about cognitive decline? They asked a question about fentanyl, and he started talking about how much Putin and Kim Jung Un respect him (Biden answered the question by the way).
American presidential elections are all about perceptions, not facts. They should not be, but they are. Trump should not be running, but he is. The polls should not favor Trump by wide margins, but they do. Democrats (and democrats) must play the game as it is, not as it should be... unless, of course, they'd rather be right and lose our democracy.
I don't think the polls are favoring Trump by wide margins. Many of these polls tend to skew old and white, a demographic that leans disproportionately conservative. Additionally, their sample sizes of young and minority voters are often very small, leading to flawed extrapolations to the wider population. The poll with the largest random sample size is Morning Consult, which had Biden up by 1 after the debate. Before the debate, it was even.
It's important to note that polls and debate performances are notoriously poor predictors of election outcomes. For example, Hillary Clinton led in most polls but lost the election. Similarly, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton were considered to have won their debates by large margins, but both lost their elections. Conversely, Barack Obama lost his first debate against Mitt Romney, yet he won the election.
France voted anti-Fascist!! Big victory. Both England and France are now safe places. Hope U.S. will continue to be so too.
Wish I had the right of return. I got a lot of English blood in me. Lol.
Well, if Biden runs (and, certainly, loses) at least we'll have some place to run to.
I won't. Don't have the coins. I'm stuck.
Thank you! So many people can’t fathom this in America. The media continues on this path to try and save themselves, when in reality, we’ll all feel the impact of their choices. I’m so scared. 😢😢😢
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for pointing out how FEAR is controlling the process so far... and MUST be overcome if the two election campaigns are to be covered equally! Trump MUST receive the critical coverage from the mainstream media that this critical time in American history demands! The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves, as they watch the reason they put Freedom of the Press in the Constitution - so that the Press would help protect the nation from fascism - ignored by a journalism industry either afraid to get on Trump's bad side or enjoying the money they make from trashing Biden or both.
MSM is NOT missing the point, it is broadcasting loud and clear what Americans FINALLY could see and hear with their own eyes, Biden's failing physicality. "One bad night" is not an acceptable excuse for his debate performance, "not enough sleep" is not an appropriate prescription for the leader of the entire free world, and "I don't know" when asked by Stephanopoulus if Biden watched a re-run of his debate does not indicate a desire to learn for the future.
OF COURSE Trump is horrible and OF COURSE the media should call for his removal at the top of the R. ticket. However reality is that the R. party is now the party of Trump, soon it will be called The Trump Party (just wait for it....).
Let history and the good results of Biden's term speak for itself. At the moment, almost anyone on the top of the D ticket is an improvement of odds against Trump and his promise of fascism. Biden's chances can only slide downwards as time passes and he fails to impress, another candidate's can only fly upwards.
I subscribe to the Washington Post and started taking pictures of the front page starting July 4. Every day since then, all about Biden's decline, nothing on Trump. They are not only missing the point, they are padding the win for the other side, democracy be damned. Biden does not have to be a superstar or impress me. I trust his accumulated knowledge.
I'm with you, Susan. I am disgusted both by the Washington Post and The New York Times. It reminds me of Clinton running against Trump and all the articles about her being "feeble" while giving Trump headlines every single day, and perhaps a small blip about Clinton on page 6. Thanks but no thanks. This is true now, also, little about Biden's accomplishments but that he is feeble. I can see he is moving more slowly and gingerly. Still, he has been the best president in my lifetime and I plan on voting for him again. And voting a straight Blue ticket.
As Ruth Ben Ghiat said, Trump vigorously told lies, while Biden feebly told the truth. Her analysis of the 'debate' performances is invaluable.
Prof Snyder-
This is a profoundly important essay. It made clear for me issues that I could not quite grasp.
Why the media is failing to hold both candidates to the same standard? Why no condemnation of Trump on the basis of felonies, impeachments, etc. Why are they failing to report on Trump's connection to Jeffery Epstein? You know the list.
This essay should be broadly circulated. Would you be willing to send it to the NY Times, Washington Post, or others? It would be telling if they failed to publish it.
Let’s all remember that the tyranny of the minority is simply that: the minority. Our job is to keep the minority in the minority.
Yes, Kit, especially in swing locations and races.
Thank you Thank you Thank you. I wrote my Congresswoman and Hakeem Jeffries this morning - you supported Mike Johnson (against my previously shared opinion). Shameful. Stand up and Speak Out for President Biden now and for re-election. Professor Snyder that you for this post. I have felt like I was drifting on the water alone on a piece of drift wood.
I appreciate your calm and direct tone. There is enough hype and hysteria to go around. We need to formulate a plan for those who value freedom over dominion.