Thank you Dr. Snyder. Of course, fascism can happen here, if we allow it. Obviously, the Heritage Foundation and the 300 some authors of Project 2025 are full bore fascists. Our problem is, we (and I mean all of us,) have participated in the dumbing down of America, even if our only fault was not protesting. We, including we of the female gender, could have done more to thwart the 'father knows best' theory. A lot of it was because some, but not all of the women's lib movement were raucous and seemed to be putting down all members of the male gender instead of just the trump/jd forms. Whatever our mistakes in the past we need to coalesce now. We need to protect and proclaim our democratic form of a Representative Republic. BUT, this time, after we've won and Kamala is our first Madam President, we need to keep working to educate every child in every State, to the best of that child's ability; we need to be more inclusionary in our relationships with "others" we may not all be born equal (and we aren't) but we MUST see that we all have the same equal opportunity to be and enjoy the best that we can be; we all need to accept such facts as we are all the same animal, Homo sapiens, like cats and dogs we come in different colors, sizes, and shapes - but those are cosmetic, not fundamental. Mostly we must all be treated as Americans no matter which State we are born in, or live in. And we must not welcome or qaccept greed.

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Yes, education is extremely important, but most important is getting the money out of politics. Campaign finance reform is essential. Buying elections and buying lawmakers must be stopped. Capitalism promotes Fascism.

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Capitalism CAN promote Fascism... unfettered.

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“Is” happening here, I think.

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Thank you so much for dealing with the “it can’t happen here” mindset. I hadn’t thought that might mean people would think “Well, American fascism will be okay because we’re the exceptional nation”. Yikes!

That’s next level “head in the sand” thinking. The only thing exceptional about America in my opinion is our ability to remain blind to the dark side of our nation’s character… a dark side that’s existed since Day One… when we declared Native Americans were “inhuman savages” and stole their land. The war between good and evil in the American character must be examined publicly, even though it’s a taboo subject to some. George Takei has done his best to make this conversation more public, with his books about the Japanese-American internment camps he was in as a child and the related Broadway musical, “Allegiance”. Will a President Kamala Harris be able to make some headway on this subject? At a time when ChristoFascism and book banning are on the rise, I’d like to find a way of supporting her in doing so. I think creating a better future for all cannot happen as long as American exceptionalism exists as a history-denying mindset.

Enjoy your travels! See you in Oklahoma City on the 25th!

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Steve, well said. In James Horn's book "1619, Jamestown and the forging of American Democracy", he describes in detail what you are saying about Day One. Jamestown was a small but thriving community at the mouth of the James river in 1619 when two events that would shape America happened within weeks of each other. The General Assembly met for the first time, the first representative governing body in America, and several weeks later two privateer ships arrived carrying the first African slaves to mainland English America. The birth of self-government of whites coincided with slavery of blacks and the ultimate decimation of native Americans. If we equate white America (I am one) with the strong man liar of professor Snyder, America has been a fascist nation since our birth, Trump is merely the latest personification of it. When MAGA says they are the true Americans, they actually might be right.

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Very much agree, David. William Faulkner was wrong when he said that he had created America's first Nazi character, but his works as a whole, in which there are scenes that go back to the late 15th century, show exactly what you wrote in your comment--that it's always been with us.

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Good thinking Steve.

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Thanks so much. I think about how we can make a socio-political breakthrough in America a lot. And I'm inspired by people like George Takei who work to open the American people's eyes. I'm so happy Prof. Snyder has written his new book, as I believe he wants to help us think honestly as well as creatively about the future. And I'm delighted he will be at a bookstore in Oklahoma City on the 25th!

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Thank you Steve, I fully agree, there are far better paths to success, Certainly better than hate and fear-mongering that seems to be the Party of Trump's solution to any problem.

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16 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Churchwell's title, "It Has Happened Here," is a reference to Sinclair Lewis' excellent mid-thirties novel "It Can't Happen Here."

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Everyone should read Sinclair Lewis' book. It was on my grandma's bookshelf and I read it as a teenager--about 50+ years ago. Well worth it. Illuminating, even.

Imagine if you're not white (for those readers who are white)...would you think this country has fascistic tendencies. I imagine you would say yes. With good reason. All of this makes life harder and weirder than it ever needed to be. VOTE VOTE VOTE Grandma's voice from the Great Beyond likely agrees 🌞

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Wake up. There is a sizable swath that will vote for fascism (even if they don't know the word) in your country. They don't know the word, but it's what they want, and they will vote for Trump.

They aren't "stupid" and they haven't been "duped" - it's who they are and it's what they want.

The label fascism may not be meaningful to them - yet that is what they are.

How else to explain Trump's endurance in America? Why is he back?

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They want authority. The want Daddy to take care of everything... like Trump promises: you won't have to vote anymore. You won't have to think.

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Philip Zimbardo, who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Abu Ghraib study, has died. I utilized Zimbardo’s and Milgram’s studies on evil for my latest paper on American fascism. They found that ca. 65% of subjects in their experiments would “morally disengage” and follow inhumane command by an authority or a peer group in an authoritarian system. Thus, any population is liable to follow a fascist regime either actively or passively under certain conditions. This is one factor in the MAGA phenomenon and the worldwide authoritarian movement.

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Excellent article Professor Snyder. I just turned 70 years old and one of my favourite birthday presents that was given to me is your book On Freedom. I am writing from Australia. I am a migrant from Eastern Europe from the mid 1960s having fled communism, another form of authoritarian rule. I wish you Professor Snyder and all the American people good luck (actually it will mean more hard work) in the upcoming election. I hope for the sake of the USA and the world that Kamala Harris wins against fascism.

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Thank you, just thank you for your work. I have just upgraded because I appreciate it so much.

I live in Switzerland, and I am very worried about how many people don't see the signs - especially in countries like ours, who on a superficial first view (!) have escaped fascism last time.

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I wrote “Fascism As Action through Time: How it can happen here” and published it in the journal, _Terrorism and Political Violence_ in summer, 2017. It discussed Mussolini, Trump, and American fascism. Just finished my third paper in my fascism research project, “What Social Psychology Can tell us about Authoritarianism” (and MAGA, Trump).

Jean E. Rosenfeld, PhD

historian of religions

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Thank you. I'm sharing these videos on my facebook page - along with a French translation of the introductory remarks, for my neighbors here in France.

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Thank you, thank you for taking time to talk with us. I really appreciate this format. I am so grateful.

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Were there aren’t we. Judges neatly appointed to Federal Courts, lawyers hard at work, the Oklahoma State Superintendent all but specifying trump bibles to be bought and placed in every classroom. The list goes on and on. Ask Marc Elias and Neil Katyal. If Vice President Harris doesn’t win this election in a landslide that’s it.

I don’t want to think like this.

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How to remedy it?

Get out there, one and all, expats too, there's over 6 million of you (yes you have a vote), and make damn sure all who oppose the fascists - VOTE.

Does anyone today dispute the fact that your vote counts?

Does anyone today not appreciate what the Greatest Generation fought for?

Do it.

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Fascism is a last ditch survival trait hard wired into all of us. Our eternal job is to keep it where it belongs until it is needed. Too soon we seem to forget. The selfish among us rise to the opportunity fascism provides for the ultimate personal gain, the power to control the lives of others.

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I don't think fascism or any other form of authoritarianism is 'hardwired' into us. I agree that from 10,000 years ago when we first started forming communal societies we 'gave in' to strong men to 'protect' us. But that was learned behavior. Remember trump has never won the popular vote. He won the electoral college in 2016 because too many people didn't trust Hillary Clinton, mostly because he husband was not trustworthy. We've had the longest lasting democracy (so far) and gotten along well. Trump's base (not his enablers) are living in ignorance due primarily (in my opinion) to the lack of a good comprehensive education.

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American fascists - that can't be a surprise after Trump surely. People tend to regard his followers as "stupid" or "duped" by him.

They are anything but stupid. They know exactly what they want and they are counting on Trump to deliver it.

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We know 65% of American men of all races will vote for fascism. It doesn't help to call them names, but the names are accurate. Two out of three guys walking around you don't give a damn about women's reproductive health, our economy, climate change and have fully bought into the hypocritical lies about Democrats welcoming a southern border invasion. As America sinks into idiocracy and authoritarianism, thank the bros you hang out with, or are married to.

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America is OG fascist; sometimes writing the playbook of suppression. 🥲

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