Joy is a revolutionary act.

— Joan Halifax

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The joy of her campaign has been infectious, like a breathe of fresh air through a swamp and it was SO needed. And people are feeling the difference and clinging to it. We've been so divided and angry and scared for SO long..and now she's giving us permission to be joyful. trump wanted us angry, gave people permission to be their worst, she's giving us permission to be human, kind and happy again. It's JUST what we needed.

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Kamala Harris has given us this gift, permission to feel it, and a way. We will take it and run with it.

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"It is possible to fight the doomers, of course. In the current Ukraine war, an anarchical collective called NAFO has done a good job making fun of Russian and Russian-aligned propagandists. And there are some excellent American wits doing the same kind of work."

Yes, the Polish public broadcasting outfit TVP World does an excellent job on YouTube of using Russian propagandists' words against them by selectively showing their most over-the-top statements with a clown's nose superimposed on their faces.

It seems to me ridicule is perhaps one of the best ways to disarm disinformation. It’s the most effective debunking of disinformation I’ve seen because it does not take what they say seriously, thus lending them credibility as if their statements were worthy of a serious, adult, logical reply.

And it's better than ignoring them at the risk of letting their statements go unchallenged, which does not work either. Laughing at them like they’re immature children destroys their credibility!

I worked for a U.S. Senator for 8 years, and one thing I learned was how effective humor is in political discourse. When used effectively, humor trumps logic, is more accessible, and memorable.

One clever skit by Alec Baldwin making fun of Trump is so much more effective than exposing Trump's 20,000th lie in a traditional lengthy article of dry text. Humor is viral on social media.

I would love to hear Dr. Snyder's thoughts on this! Has satire been effective in the past? Thanks.

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Haven't watched TVP in awhile and didn't know they're doing this. This is a great idea. Making fun of a dictator and his propaganda is the very best way to approach the problem. Dictators are so thin-skinned that their weakness always surfaces when you make fun of them. Darth Putin is popular precisely because 1) he seems to have a pretty good understanding of eastern European history and 2) he uses that knowledge to make Putin look ridiculous.

Whoever came up with the idea of making fun of Russian propaganda on TVP is a clever one, indeed. I wish that could be replicated throughout the world.

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Thanks! Who is Darth Putin?

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Darth Putin--@DarthPutinKGB--is a brilliant parody account on Twitter/X with 612,000 followers (https://x.com/DarthPutinKGB). Note that the birthday he lists is Oct. 7, which is Putin's birthday. Occasionally Prof. Snyder retweets him.

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Thanks for this! I just went on twitter to follow Darth. On Youtube, a guy calling himself Dark Brandon does some hilarious 5-7 minute videos snarking the entire mAGAt scene, and they're a delight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUx3KsnCYBc

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Thanks for the link!

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I was going to save that video for later, but decided to go ahead and watch it because it's only 4m 46s long. Though I learned about that part of the interview afterwards, I couldn't bring myself to watch the entire video because I can't listen to Trump speak without feeling a sense of revulsion. But a cartoon version of it is very different because it truly exposes Trump for what he is. In the first place, if you throw a racist's words back at him, there's no escape *because he's hearing his own words coming from someone else's mouth*. But in the second place, if those words are coming from the mouth of a cartoon character, the racist looks even more ridiculous.

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Thanks, I'll check him out! Andy Borowitz is priceless also. Gosh, I wish I had that talent.

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I wish I had Darth Putin's talent. He's always able to come up with the cleverest comments, no matter the situation, such as his comments on Ukraine's recent offensive in Kursk. What I envy and admire most about him is his ability to *sustain* such a high level of wittiness every single day.

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He’s a parody account on Twitter. And darned good at shoving Putin’s nose in every mistake Russia makes.

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I agree -- humor works.

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Clown nose is perfect 👏🏼👏🏼

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Disagree in the strongest possible terms with this comment and the exchange it has provoked.

Making fun of others is an act of cruelty. It is the shadow side of true humour. That applies across the board, no exceptions.

This is the classic male copout, characteristic of men who are unable to feel properly with others, misusing emotion to gang up on others. It is the language of the jeering schoolyard bully who marshals his mates to corner some hapless victim. It is redolent of lack of empathy, all clever head and gut punches without a good heart.

This is the sick humour that created Little England, where the poor, the weak, the disabled are ridiculed. This stuff never helped anyone else bloom. It produces only damaged flowers.

How shocking that Kamala's positive heartfelt joy is turned in the space of the two leading comments here into shallow superficial putdown.

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The trolls and bots have figured out how fear and negativity excites the masses. I guess the amygdala wants what it wants.

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I think that is the key to the MAGAt "thought process." Tickle the amygdala, give the system what it wants through anger and fear.

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Kinks had it figured out 45 years ago

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Exactly. “The more they (people) get the more they need”.

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Lalalala Lola!

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You got to the meta problem with a meta solution. Please keep doing what you are doing.

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Especially this: "We should provide them with specific offline actions they can take. We should encourage and affirm. And we should recall always that the election can only be won by votes."

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I agree with general idea of this statement about the need for offline action related to the election, but Trump could win through election tampering and voter suppression even if enough voters support Harris. To counter that, I'd encourage those who have the skills (such as attorneys, clergy, community leaders) to get involved in efforts to ensure that there isn't intimidation at polling places and to be ready to deal with the court challenges Trump is likely to bring if he loses on Election Day.

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Yes, I worry about this, too. I'm thinking that the Democratic Party at both national and state levels has plans for this on election night and the days after. They'll probably have lawyers all over the country. I'm looking for chaos in the days following the election. But this could be one of the offline actions Laura is talking about. If people volunteer locally and have phone numbers handy, they could be ready to call lawyers if they see something that appears illegal. This is not going to be easy. Fortunately I live in a large city that is overwhelmingly liberal BUT is in a red state, so we do experience long lines but haven't experienced the harassment found in red towns and cities. Not yet, anyway: It is the capital of Texas, the seat of the Republican government. They are a nasty bunch of people, and this year there is a real chance that the unlikable Ted Cruz will be voted out. So I'm a bit fearful this time around.

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Be vigilant, but not fearful, dear Rose!

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Thanks, Laura. I really needed that because I've been trying to warn my fellow Americans about the far right for decades, and in earnest since 1994, when Gingrich became Speaker, and until recently, my warnings have been ignored. Pessimism has come easily to me not just because of the danger of right-wing extremism, but even more importantly, because of unheeded warnings. But after seeing the reaction--especially among young people--after VP Harris became the Dem candidate, I'm feeling more optimistic. But as you say, also vigilant. Onward!

As always, good talking to you, Laura.

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xoxo Rose, you are a most worthy scholar and activist

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Yes. Sorry to be a doomer, but I think it essentially inevitable that after T loses--which he will--there will be a season of mayhem via legal and extralegal means, including organized and disorganized violence. This should not intimidate us. But it does call for as much preparation now as we can muster, and working on ways to block as much of this S as possible--via courts, tracking intelligence, and law enforcement.

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Susan!!!!!!!!! You nailed it. I am counting on attorneys and other experts to act and advise us of our role, if any, on the threats of extralegal voter suppression like refusal to certify, and assuming for most of us, Tim's advice to get the votes is paramount.

Here is something any of us can do to help make polling places more attractive and friendlier. Message me offline (anyone) who finds this link/contents too confusing, and I can help work you through it.

An initiative to vet (using your own computer and on your own time) DJs who are eager to make music at polls. Since the gig pays well, there are more applicants than we know are legit. Work is to comb their marketing and social media to make sure they will do us proud, and also to work on logistics and coordination with those responsible for the polls. Most urgent is the DJ vetting.

The folder linked to here contains a video for the kickoff meeting. It is clear, but not particularly concise:} This initiative has been tested and increases net votes by voters of color by 3.9% which is huge as political interventions go.

I know the organizers so ask me any questions.


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All this. And I am guessing that your choice of the lotus image is NOT a coincidence. Kamala means lotus.

The Chinese have a saying about the lotus:出污泥而不染 It stays pure even though it grows in muck.

Let's all be like lotuses. Onward with gratitude.

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Lovely, Susan! I learned that Tim Walz is conversant in Mandarin, so he would appreciate this in the original.

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Thank you. I am sure he would love it and you have motivated me to seek out his team and send it to them. Separately, both Tim Walz and Kamala Harris were born in the year of the wood dragon and guess what year 2024 is? The Year of the Wood Dragon. So Double Dragon ticket!! Let's Go!!

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What tremendous fun! Started studying Chinese at age 62 and am still barely conversant…love it though! Walz probably won’t speak Chinese much on the campaign trail, but hopefully when he takes office!!! Let’s catch up and have a Dragon celebration after the election. That was my costume last Halloween so I am ready.

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Congratulations on the endeavor Laura! I started Chinese at 18 and it was a challenge then, but the rewards are immeasurable! Yes to the plan to celebrate our 'dragons' in any and all languages when the election is won!

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Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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“JD Vance is the central example of this.  Sponsored by tech broligarchs, he behaves irl like a fleshy algorithm.  He follows Kamala Harris around much as the comments section follows a cheerful tweet.”

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The perfect description. Trump is organically awful. JD is manufactured awfulness.

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True, Cheryl, that was a good one. Where do you think this stuff comes to him?


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Once upon a time, politicians went among the people in person and put their positions on the table in front of anyone who came to listen and to judge. But the very interconnected system that allows online influencers of all stripes access to us all also provides that very same way of actually listening to what those running for office say. For example, I don’t have to listen to someone besides Donald Trump telling me who Donald Trump is and what he wants to do as President; Trump’s been only too clear about that himself. And all his obvious lies and distortions have only reaffirmed who he is and what he wants.

The Founders, for all their flaws, hoped to create a nation in which ‘We the People’ could together find enough of the courage, the honesty, the understanding, the tolerance, the compassion, the wisdom, the humor, the hope, and the sheer common sense to rule ourselves from the bottom up as opposed to over four thousand years of top-down rule. As we listen to all the chatter out there, measure its value by the amount of those characteristics it contains.

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''The Russians were pioneers of this, and they are still at it.'' I read The Road to Unfreedom in early 2019, before I started reading C and E European history, and before I understood Russian propaganda. It's one thing to read about something; it's quite another to have internalized it. So last night I temporarily set aside my reading in Medieval history and pulled TRtU off the shelf and started to reread it. 5+ years later, it reads like a different book because now I understand. Nothing in it has become outdated. It is among the finest works of contemporary history I've ever read.

The same is true, BTW, for On Tyranny. It was only after I'd spent a few years reading C and E European history that I began to fully understand that book. And Nora Krug's graphic ed. is fantastic.

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Thom Hartman wrote today about the two hemispheres of the brain and how we have become a "left brain" dominate culture and its consequences. The essence of the article was about imbalance. Propagandists hate balance. Social media is about imbalance. The "middle way" has been lost to us.

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We are living in a STEM culture. Major and minor institutions of higher education are abandoning liberal arts……at the peril of our society. People are not discerning right from wrong. There is an absence of critical thinking. WW2 brought us weapons with no limits. We are becoming a “no limits culture.” Time for a rethink.

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Perhaps not completely lost. I’ve lived in places where a decent education fosters seeking an inner balance (kids learning yoga, meditation, stillness and conflict resolution for example). These kids have an evolutionary advantage. Kids raised in repressive sociological environments where, for example, Old Testament rhetoric is favored and weaponized against anyone who disagrees or to ‘keep uppity people controlled’. These other children often don’t even know what a democracy can be because they’ve never seen it demonstrated. They’re trained with a carrot and stick rather than encouraged to open their minds to the potential of human greatness, the solving of society’s existential issues, rather than condemnation and blame. Fertile ground for radicalization, or trollism.

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Good point. Go offline to prepare to get in line to vote. Resist the temptation to "post." Instead, foster a culture of listening, discussing, debating ... and exercising one's right at all levels to vote.

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I wonder about the whole issue of collective mind control or hypnotism. Leo Tolstoy brings this up in his book “The Kingdom of God Within You” which was written in 1893 and incredibly relevant today.

We live in a society where the internet amplifies mind control. It is extremely insidious and bent on the breakdown of cultural norms.

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Putin leads this charge of the bots and trolls . He has many other twisted entities working for him including Donald Trump. JD Vance is another . Maga Cult Corps is another .

I won’t list them all you see them acting out in Congress every day . Mike Johnson is supporting Putin . Jim Jordan…. Et al.

Donald Trump is doing Putins work . And he has no conscience.

Be ware of these cult members.

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''...help other people to bloom."

"...introduce them to helpful ideas."

'...provide them with specific offline actions they can take. '

'...encourage and affirm.'

'...the election can only be won by votes.'

'...for most of us, the assignment is simple. Recognize the doomers, and ignore them. Most of them are not human, most of the humans are not American, and none of them care. They are like a pothole in the road: there is no point reasoning with them.'

'Just keep moving along, doing your thing.' ___Timothy Snyder


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The bots, trolls and naysayers are easy to ignore. The mainstream media, not so much. That is where calling out their insatiable need to get clicks by touting the Felon’s nonsense, is needed, loud and often.

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When the Depraved One & his weird chameleon sidekick are intro’d with the theme song from The Titanic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soKTzgSkWvQ

Top Cop & Coach have solutions & bring joy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPEqjA9fcxI

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The Byrds got it right!

Thank you Dr. Snyder! An amazing post. Amazing analysis of the message. It seems the message, the psychological warfare, is to disempower, to enslave, dominion over nature and people. The inevitability. The click bate of T. Thank you, for this powerful and empowering analysis.

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