Indeed enlighting! If I may add my thoughts: Putin is also obsessed with the "troubles" Russia faced in the 90s, right after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In his eyes (and I think rightly so) his country was humiliated by America and its allies who rather than lend a helping hand to a defeated adversary only sougth ways to exploit its weakened state (yet again the narrative of the malevolent foreigners). If Putin is able to succcessfully beat on this drum it is also the West´s fault, for missing an opportunity to build bridges instead of being self-complacent of it s success.

Having said this, Putin´s narrative remains as deceiving and dangerous as it is effective.

As for his plans for succession, I am sure he and his cronies are preparing, they simply do not advertize. I can immagine that the important decisions are not taken through consensus and debate, but between favoured few, with a handshake and a shot of vodka behind closed doors. I say this because as much as I think Putin a thug, I also believe he is wise enough to know he will not last forever and therefore needs to prepare a "Plan B" or AKA and escape boat. I think he also genuinely cares about the stability and standing of his country, it´s just that in a Macchiavellian sense "the end justifies the means".

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Thanks for an enlightening series!

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