I use this space to share ideas. This evening I am going to make an exception. I am going to use it to make a suggestion.
Ukraine has been invaded by Russia. All day long people have been asking me what to do. You can show solidarity. You can give an organization a little bit of your money. It will not stop a war. But it will help Ukrainians to help themselves. And it could save lives.
Ukraine is not a rich country. The average household makes less than $7000 a year. A little money, sent in the right direction, can make a meaningful difference. And it might give you a sense that you have done the right thing, at least in a small way, at the right moment.

Russia and Ukraine are different in many ways. Russia is a militarized country which spends its hydrocarbon earnings on weapons, and intervenes beyond its borders on a regular basis. Ukraine has small armed forces with much less impressive weaponry. In Russia, everything is centralized by the state and controlled by one person (we see the result); in Ukraine decentralization and informality are the rule. Ukraine’s army is partly crowdfunded.
Everyone has different values, and so here is a range. Please do something.
NGO that arranges life-saving equipment for Ukrainian soldiers: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate
Hospitallers working at the frontline: https://www.facebook.com/hospitallers/posts/2953630548255167
Ukrainian Women’s Veteran Movement: https://www.uwvm.org.ua/?page_id=3437&lang=en
NGO that assists internal refugees: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/
NGO that assistants internal refugees, especially from Crimea: https://www.peaceinsight.org/en/organisations/crimea-sos/?location=ukraine&theme
NGO that aids traumatised children: https://voices.org.ua/en/
Foundation that assists healthcare and education in eastern Ukraine: https://razomforukraine.org/projects/zhadan/
Thank you.
Thank you. Just what i needed!